| - === Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot Quotes ===
;Opening cinematic
*"My first husband was a dirtbag, and a cheat. My second husband was fun. I figured by then, that I deserved a toy, all for myself, and that's what I got. Still wish I hadn't broken my toy. My third husband was good with numbers... and his hands. We’re still friends, kind of. We're civil. I'm looking for my fourth, you know, on the prowl. I don't know when I'll meet him, or where I'll meet him, but he's out there. For now, I'll get my jollies off on bringing pain this way... or maybe this way. And in the end, the crowd will love me for my brutality. I'll make them yearn for more and more of my pain. I'll be cruel and enjoy myself. When the thrill wears off, I'll leave and find a new toy. Until then, not too different than matrimony, come to think of it. Maybe the coliseum is my fourth husband, in a way."
;After a kill
*"And pop goes the weasel. I love it when things pop!"right|200px
*"Another head goes boom!"
*"Eeeeee! Gooooo! GOOOOOO! KILLING SPREE!!"
*"Ha! Look at that, I think you tickled it."
*"Let's see some more of that!"
*"Look! Look at all that killing!"
*"It's raining body parts! Who do you love!?"
*"Ouch. I think that'll leave a mark."
*"Oh damn! It just gets more and more gruesome!"
*"Wave after wave goes down. Kill them all. KILL THEM ALL!"
*"I think I smell something cooking, everyone!"
*"Oh! Oh my! I've never seen such a bloodbath! Heat it up!"
*"Another baddy put to bed."
*"O-oh..... wow.... look out, everyone, it's raining body parts!"
;After a wave
*"Baby, baby, baby... You're doing so well. I can't stop now... Next wave!!!"
*"Aww, did you want me to stop?... Bring on the next wave!!!"
*"Can you keep this pace up? I find few others can."
*"Did I promise you a show, or didn't I? Who loves you, and who do you love?"
*"Getting confident?"
*"Having completed this wave does not make you gods gift to killing, let me tell you."
*"I think I spilled something on my dress. Damnit! Oh, and yeah, nice wave, whatever, damn stain."
*"In case you didn't notice, yeah, you just completed another wave."
*"Life is a circle... feelin' like a hamster?"
*"Nicely done, nice wave."
*"Oh, just one... more... And then I'll let you rest."
*"Okay, okay... clearly I'm going to have to ratchet up the challenge on you."
*"The crowd is good tonight, huh? They love it when you finish off a wave, don't they."
*"Waves are like... the atoms... and rounds... they're... the molecules... and I'm... well... nevermind nevermind, nice wave."
*"Waves come and waves go... Let's see if you can get all the way through the round, that will impress me."
*"Well that was too easy... I'll fix that."
*"What do you want, a medal? It's just a wave for crying out loud."
*"Wow, I like it... I like it... Keep it commin. You're tougher than I expected."
*"Yeah, yeah, let's save the congratulations for when we've finished the round, shall we?"
*"You get your rocks off by killing things. That just sick. Just sick. You know, I'm kinda sick myself."
*"You... You've earned it."
*"That's just a wave you've completed...I mean great job and all, but yeah... it's not a round or anything. Just sayin'."
;After getting wiped out
*"And then there were none."
*"Awww, where did my heroes go? Heeeroooes? Where aarrree you??? [giggle] Well what are we going to do now!?"
*"I can't take this any longer! Good God... please.. Make it stop. This is pitiful"
*"Seriously... these people come here to see a show... not watch you lay on your back!"
*"They all rolled over and they all fell off."
*"Well isn't this great? Thanks for ruining our fun."
*"YOU are supposed to be the heroes!? Please."
;After a Round
*"Man, I'm getting impressed! Maybe you could go another whole round for me, hmm?"
*"Okay! Fine, you win this round, fine! What do you want, a pony?"
*"Oh my god... You're going to make me so rich if you keep on like this!"
*"It's insanity down there! Who ARE these people!? Look at them go!"
;Announcing the Arena
*"Today's match will be in ... HELL-BURBIA"
*"Today's match will be in ... THE ANGELIC RUINS"
*"Today's match will be in ... THE GULLY"
;Before a Round
*"Are you ready for this? I don't think you're ready for this... ARE YOU READY?"
*"Did I promise you a show or didn't I!? Who loves you and who do you love!"
*"Everyone raise the roof!"
*"Get your ass in gear. NEW ROUND!"
*"How's everyone doin' tonight?"
*"I can't wait to see how you handle this round!"
*"Know what I could use right now? A new round! Enjoy!"
*"Let me hear you roar! ROAR FOR ME PANDORA!!"
*"Oooohhh!!! This is so exciting! Another round!"
*"Who loves you and who do you love?"
*"Who takes care of you? Who gives you what you want!?"
;Before a Wave
*"You may think it hurts now... Wait for THIS!"
*"Your baby blues may work on me, but will they work on THIS?"
*"You ready to get your violence on!? Try this!"
*"Bang! Guess what round it is? GUN WAVE!"
*"Pew pew pew! It's Gun Wave time!"
*"Don't let this flood of flesh overcome you, the HORDE WAVE!"
*"The HORDE WAVE is coming to eat you! Om nom nom nom!"
*"There's so many of them... what are you going to do against the HORDE WAVE?"
*"Oh snap! Is it? Could it be?... The BADASS WAVE!"
*"You may think you're shit hot, but you haven't seen the BADASS WAVE yet!"
*"Here come the BADASSES!"
;Announcing a boss
*"Let's meet our next boss, all the way from the dig site, it's Baroooooooon Flynt!!"
*"He'll give you a haircut from a thousand yards away... Please welcome, "
*"Remember our next boss gang? Please show your appreciation for, Booooone Heaaaad!"
*"You can't keep this one down! Let's welcome, his royal highness, King Wee Wee! "
*"This guy's weapon is insane... You'd better be quick on your feet! Here he is! Masterrrr McCloooooud!"
*"Don't show any mercy to our next boss! Misterrrrrrr 9 Toes!!"
*"Can you dodge a revolver? You'd better! Let's welcome, One... Eyed..."
*"What's that? You want a hammer fight? Dodge this hammer! The mighty Sledggggeee!"
*"Let's see if you can tell which is which! This one is Taylorrrr Koooobb!"
*"You'd think they were twins! The killer duo, Hanz and Franz!"
;Character specific
*"Mordecai is in trouble!"
*"Oh Mordecai! You sure are scary down there."
*"Mordecai is in the zone."
*"Mordecai is intense! I wouldn't want to be in the ring with him."
*"Mordecai is on a roll!"
*"Mordecai knows what he's up to!"
*"Mordecai is down, but is he out?"
*"Look at that little Lilith go, beatin' all them boys down."
*"Keep your eyes on Lilith, she's on a roll."
*"Lilith is beating them down! No one can stand in her way!"
*"Looks like that sweet ass isn't helping you now Lilith."
*"Look at that little Lilith, Mmm Mmm Mmmmm."
*"Lilith is looking absolutely delicious down there. Mmmm..."
*"Lilith is daaanngerous."
*"All eyes are on you, Lilith."
*"Lilith is getting picked on, I say."
*"All eyes are on you Lilith, unless they're on me."
*"There's nothing you can't handle, is there Roland?"
*"Roland, Roland, he's our man!"
*"Rack'em up, knock'em down, Roland!"
*"Nothing's too tough for you, is it Roland?"
*"Roland's down, can anybody help him?!"
*"Roland will not be stopped until all the bad guys are spillin' their loot!"
*"Roland, you hurt love?"
*"Brick smashes 'em good. Smash, smash, smash."
*"Beat 'em down, Brick!"
*"Brick's looking tough out there!"
*"Brick's taken a knee!"
*"Are you okay, Brick?"
;Challenge specific
*"Aim for the center mass, I've just made head shots count for nuthin'!"
*"Bad guys are quiiiite a bit more lethal now. Enjoy!"
*"Better aim for the head! Shooting the enemy anywhere else is just a waste of ammo!"
*"Better dust off that rocket launcher, it's time for the Rocket Launcher Challenge! Your rocket launcher will work great, everything else.. well... might as well not bother."
*"Better kill 'em quick, the bad guys health will be regenerating!"
*"Come, my personal little roadrunners! Let me see those cute little feet raise some dust!"
*"Enjoy getting shot? You'd better. Now the enemies will have more ammo!"
*"Get your boomsticks ready, it's time for the Shotgun Challenge! Your shotgun will work great, everything else... well... might as well not bother."
*"Get your sidearms ready, it's time for the Pistol Challenge! Your pistol will work great, everything else... well... not so much."
*"Haha, oooh this is fun. With Dodgeball, the enemies will be hard to pin down! They'll be dodging like mad."
*"Hmm... Oh, I guess I could always just make the bad guys have stronger shields, no?"
*"It's time for the Combat Rifle Challenge! Your combat rifle will work great, everything else... Eh, not worth wasting the ammo."
*"It's time for the SMG Challenge! Your SMG will work great, everything else... well... not so much."
*"Oh, my favorite. You're naked! That means nooo shields at all. Lovely."
*"Polish those scopes, it's time for the Sniper Rifle Challenge! Your sniper rifle will work great, everything else... well... not so much."
*"Shields are tough, huh? I bet this will make em tougher! The bad guys with shields will have 'em regenerate quick like a bunny!"
*"This is too easy! Let's beef up the baddies, shall we?"
*"This one is bizarre. Your damage will increase and your accuracy will decrease. Better get close to make it count."
*"You'd better have a good shield, because with Dead Aim, those bad guys will have a tough time missing!"
*"You got an elemental weapon? Now's the time to use it. Elemental Challenge!!!"
*"You'll be on cloud nine after I'm done with you! Rise to new heights!"
*"Your life is running out, time is running out. Want some health back? Kill a bad guy for me and I'll see what I can do."
The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Quotes
*"Hey sugar. I've got another job for you. Stop on by." - ECHO message announcing the presence of a new mission.
*"What can I do you for? Wait... I'm not that kind of girl... Wait... Yes I am..."
*"You need somethin' sweetie?"
*"Come on in outta the dust. What can I get you?"
*"Nice of you to drop in on lil' ole me."
*"Well hello there."
*"You look like you could use a drink."
*"You need me again, sweet lips?"
*"If you need any of my services, you know where to find me."''