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- Mountains appear in every game with an Overworld, and there they work as a barrier for the characters, since they are generally impassable by anything other than an airship.
- A terrain type used in Pact of Steel 2
- Ski Hill znany również, jako Mountain jest obszarem, do którego można wejść przez mapę, spy phone lub Ski Village. Ski Hill jest meiejscem, gdzie pingwiny mogą grać Sled Racing . Wyciąg narciarski łączy go ze Ski Village. W pewnym momencie trasy saneczkowych były zamknięte w związku z lawiną, która doprowadziło do misji Avalanche Rescue. W tle góry możemy zobaczyc tajemniczą szarą chatkę.
- Kill all six units.
- The Mountain hex is one of the five principal resource hexes in The Settlers of Catan and its expansions. When the accompanying number is rolled on the dice, a Mountain produces Ore for its adjacent settlements, cities, and metropoli. In Cities and Knights, a Mountain also produces a commodity - Coin. Three Mountain hexes are included in the base game.
- Mountain is a Merchant.
- Mountain is a Monster Trait.
- Mountain is a series of stages in Stick Ranger.
- The mountain is a location in Submachine Universe.
- In geology, a mountain is a large man made bump on the Earth's surface, not to be confused with a mere wussy hill. If one manages to tip a mountain on its side, the mountain produces one red mana. This isn't easy however, as mountains are sometimes a little bit heavy.
- Mountain is World 10-3 in Story Mode in Super Monkey Ball 2.
- Anything bigger than a hill
* In practice, it refers to any peak taller than 2000'.
* The biggest mountains include:
* Mount Kerofin
* Mount Jernotius Source: Guide to Glorantha
- The Mountain is a place where Dora and Boots have gone to. They went over the mountain onboard Azul the blue train in the episode Choo-Choo.
- The mountains of the Isle v3 map are located at the edges of the map.
- the hero is a mountain climber you see a bear and an elephant when you are out of the pictures a yeti is in the picture a toy plane flys by in the end they have a mountain that rises before the end they have a snow leopard and a mountain lion the intro shows a avalanche that comes up to the camara
- Mountain Ocarinas is an American ocarina company owned by Karl Ahrens. File:MountainOcarinasLogo.gif
- Mountain is one of the themes for the levels in Kid Chameleon. K-E recognizes it as theme 0x7.
- The place is also used by the gang many times for their secret base or just for recreation. Gian also at least once used the area to burn his test score papers. Although the exact size wasn't known, the area appear to be very large. The area is also known for the thousand years pine tree, the tallest tree in the mountain where children often climb. Suneo once hid his test score under the tree.
- miniatur|Das Markenlogo Mountain (dt. Berg) ist eine Bekleidungsmarke aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, die unter anderem in SubUrban-Filialen verkauft wird. Kategorie:Bekleidungsunternehmen
- Some of the things that a mountain or range of mountains can symbolize:
* obstacles.
* climbing over one or passing through a range indicates .overcoming obstacles or making progress.
* climbing up a mountain or other height often indicates spiritual or mental "rising" or improvement.
* permanence and immovability This is what a mountain range means
- Mountain is an American rock band. The band broke up in 1972, reformed two years later, and have since reconvened and resumed performing and recording. Mountain remains popular in some circles despite having fallen out of the mainstream during the seventies. They were influential during the development of hard rock and are considered a forerunner to heavy metal music. Their hit song "Mississippi Queen" became a radio hit and is something of a rock standard. VH1 ranked Mountain number 98 on its 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock.
- Mountain is a stage in Hill Climb Racing. It is the 13th stage to be encountered when flipping through the stages in the game and costs 850,000 coins.
- This level takes place at the Golden Springs Mountain Resort.
- Mountains are the highest terrain on earth and are fairly distinctive in games. In most of the Civ series, building a city on a mountain would usually be foolish because it would seldom have enough food to grow, though its defensive strength would be good. In Colonization games you cannot build a colony on a mountain. However, many mountain tiles contain valuable resources exploitable by miners.
- Dexterity and Strength checks occur more often in the mountains.
- Mountain played heavy Blues Rock, mainly influenced by the well-known band Cream. Woodstock was only their fourth gig but they played in front of 500,000 people. It was Saturday, August the 16th, 1969, the second day of Woodstock, and about 9:00 pm. __TOC__
- Mountain is a hilly biome made of grass, dirt, stone and trees. The trees are: pine trees and oak trees.
- Alagaësia had many peaks and mountains, with most being concentrated in the south-east and along the west coast.
- Mountain? What mountain? An inactive one though, settle down. Science
- Mountains were a sapient sentient sapient species with the ability to think native to many planets. Notable mountains include Jedi Master Mount Everest and the evil misunderstood Darth Sorrow. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- A mountain is a landform that extends above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill, but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an identifiable summit. Mountains cover 54% of Asia, 36% of North America, 25% of Europe, 22% of South America, 17% of Australia, and 3% of Africa. As a whole, 24% of the Earth's land mass is mountainous. Also, 1 in 10 people live in mountainous regions. Most of the world's major rivers are fed from mountain sources,and more than half of humanity depends on mountains for water.
- Mountains are a peice of terrain. Only Mechs, Infantry and air units can travel over mountains, and Infantry still suffer a movement penalty while crossing them, along with Mechs in the pre-AW games. In Fog of War, Mech and Infantry units increase their vision range by 3 while they're on a Mountain. Mountains also offer good defensive cover. In Game Boy Wars 1/2/Turbo, the APC could scale mountains, but requires all 6 Movement Power for each tile.
- The area surrounding Farpoint Station and Old Bandi City on the planet Deneb IV consisted of mountains. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) In the early 2370s, a Klingon civilian transport ship crashed in a mountainous area of the planet Galorda Prime. (DS9: "Rules of Engagement") On Earth, the tallest mountain was Mount Everest in the Himalayas. Also very tall was the Tibetan plateau. Ireland does have mountains although not very large ones. The mountains located on the Ba'ku planet had deposits of kelbonite. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
- Mountain is a type of Terrain in the world of Master of Magic. Mountain tiles are very common on both Planes. They may appear in any formation, whether as isolated peaks, long ridges, or even large swaths of Mountainous terrain (especially on Myrror). Mountain tiles are worthless for habitation or agriculture, giving no Maximum Population bonus to nearby towns. On the other hand, Mountains do give a respectable bonus to File:Icon Production.png .
- Mountain ist eine Sportmannschaft auf einem Planeten im Delta-Quadranten. Das Team Mountain ist mit Lakeside verfeindet. Der Doktor sieht während seines Aufenthalts auf dem Planeten 2375 den großen Torelius, wie er in einem Spiel gegen Red River verteidigt. Dieses Spiel findet vor der Geburt von Gotana-Retz statt.