| - The bonus round is a special level in Adventure Mode and the Bonus Adventure. After the player has completed each tank in Adventure Mode, (each individual stage in the Bonus Adventure), there will be a bonus round. In the bonus round, the player tries to collect as many shells as they can. The shells collected will be added to the player's current shell balance in the Virtual Tank for use in buying bonus pets and anything sold by The Fish Emporium.
- The bonus rounds that appear in the original Crash Bandicoot are triggered by collecting three different types of character tokens: Tawna, N. Brio, and Cortex tokens. In order to activate the bonus round, Crash must collect all three tokens for one of these characters in a single level to access it. The tokens can either be found lying around in the level or hidden inside of crates. Once Crash collects all three tokens of a certain character in a level, he will be transported to their respective bonus round area where he will be able to break crates and gain extra lives. He will be able to save in certain bonus rounds by going onto a transport pad. The bonus rounds do not affect the total amount of crates Crash must collect in a level.
| - The bonus round is a special level in Adventure Mode and the Bonus Adventure. After the player has completed each tank in Adventure Mode, (each individual stage in the Bonus Adventure), there will be a bonus round. In the bonus round, the player tries to collect as many shells as they can. The shells collected will be added to the player's current shell balance in the Virtual Tank for use in buying bonus pets and anything sold by The Fish Emporium. The bonus round begins with a "3, 2, 1" countdown, a timer in the bottom right corner displaying the time you'll have to collect shells, a bucket falling down to the bottom which will show how many shells you've collected during the round, and a lineup of all the shells you can collect displaying their value beneath them. The shells will fall through the tank at varying speeds and the player attempts to collect as many of them as possible in the bucket. All kinds of shells will fall: Silver (1), Gold (2), Blue Conch shell (5), Silver Spiral shell (10) and Bag O' Shells (20). The amount of time you have to collect shells in the bonus tank increases slightly each time you get to it.
- The bonus rounds that appear in the original Crash Bandicoot are triggered by collecting three different types of character tokens: Tawna, N. Brio, and Cortex tokens. In order to activate the bonus round, Crash must collect all three tokens for one of these characters in a single level to access it. The tokens can either be found lying around in the level or hidden inside of crates. Once Crash collects all three tokens of a certain character in a level, he will be transported to their respective bonus round area where he will be able to break crates and gain extra lives. He will be able to save in certain bonus rounds by going onto a transport pad. The bonus rounds do not affect the total amount of crates Crash must collect in a level.
* Tawna Token - These are the most common tokens and are found in almost every level. When Crash collects three Tawna tokens, he will be transported to a forest-type environment where he will be able to break boxes and collect lives. At the end of the bonus round, Tawna will be standing by a portal and allows Crash to save his progress and to be given a password. Once Crash collects all of the Tawna tokens in a single level, he will not be allowed to participate in that bonus round again until the level is re-entered. Tawna tokens are found in fifteen of the game's levels. In some of those levels, completing the bonus round will save at that level. For example, Jungle Rollers is one of these levels. If the last Tawna bonus round completed is in Jungle Rollers, then if the player restarts the game or runs out of lives and most load the save file again, the player will have to complete Jungle Rollers again to move ahead with the game. In some other levels with Tawna tokens, such as The Great Gate, completing the bonus round saves at the next level. If the last Tawna bonus round completed is in The Great Gate, then loading the save file will have all the levels unlocked through Boulders, which is the level after The Great Gate. Technically, the player could move ahead without finishing The Great Gate. However, whenever a Tawna bonus round saves at the next level, it is because the third token is located very close to the end of the level, so the developers assumed that almost anyone who reaches the bonus round will be able to finish the level. Below are the levels containing Tawna bonus rounds.
* Jungle Rollers (saves at this level)
* The Great Gate (saves at the next level, Boulders)
* Upstream (saves at the next level, Papu Papu)
* Rolling Stones (saves at this level)
* Native Fortress (saves at this level)
* Up the Creek (saves at the next level, Ripper Roo)
* The Lost City (saves at the next level, Temple Ruins)
* Road to Nowhere (saves at the next level, Boulder Dash)
* Sunset Vista (saves at the next level, Koala Kong)
* Heavy Machinery (saves at this level)
* Generator Room (saves at this level)
* Toxic Waste (saves at the next level, Pinstripe)
* The High Road (saves at the next level, Slippery Climb)
* Jaws of Darkness (saves at the next level, Castle Machinery)
* The Lab (saves at this level)
* N. Brio Token - These tokens are uncommon and only appear in a handful of levels. They are considerably more difficult to complete than the Tawna rounds and have no important purpose other than to collect a few extra lives and achieve a sense of accomplishment when completing. When Crash collects three Brio tokens, he will be transported into a cave-like area. Brio bonus rounds are filled with TNT crates and tricky jumps. Crash will be able to collect additional lives and wumpa fruit in this level. Unlike the other two bonus rounds, Crash can still participate in Brio rounds after completing one in a certain level. Brio rounds do not allow Crash to save his progress however. The music in these bonus rounds is the same music heard in N. Brio's boss fight. Once Crash completes a Brio round, N. Brio will be standing near the exit and pouring his chemicals from one beaker to another. Very quickly after Crash jumps on the final platform, N. Brio will smash the 2 beakers together and there will be an explosion. The explosion doesn't hurt Crash in any means. Only four levels (Rolling Stones, The Lost City, Heavy Machinery, and Slippery Climb) contain this type of token.
* Cortex Token - These tokens are extremely rare and appear in only two levels (Sunset Vista and Jaws of Darkness). Most of these tokens are well hidden and are very hard to obtain. When Crash collects three Cortex tokens, he will be transported to a dungeon-like stage. Crash must travel through a path of TNT crates in order to get to the end of the bonus round. Once Crash reaches the end of the level, Cortex will fly away, dropping a key for Crash to use that will unlock a secret level on the map, which are required to gather all of the gems in the game. The bonus round here will save Crash's progress unlike the N. Brio bonus round. These challenges are extremely difficult since the player only gets one chance. If the player fails, they must either complete the level and then go back through it, collecting the tokens again, or exit out of the level and re-enter it.