SMERSH was an underworld criminal organization. The location of their headquarters was unknown. SMERSH was constantly battling the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service (also known as MI5) in the decades prior to the Clone Wars.
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| - SMERSH war die ausführende Abteilung des KGB.
- SMERSH es una agencia de contraespionaje soviética que aparece en las primeras novelas de Ian Fleming. Se trata de la conjunción de dos palabras rusas: "SMERt' SHpionam", (Смерть Шпионам), lo que significa " which means "Muerte a los espías". Aunque se suponía que la SMERSH de Fleming iba a ser similar a la organización real, en las novelas se describe como una agencia centrada en mandar operativos al extranjero para subvertir las operaciones de los enemigos, con el objetivo adicional de eliminar a los espías occidentales, en particular Bond. Categoría:Organizaciones
- SMERSH was an underworld criminal organization. The location of their headquarters was unknown. SMERSH was constantly battling the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service (also known as MI5) in the decades prior to the Clone Wars.
- SMERSH (a portmanteau of the Russian Smyert Shpionam - Смерть Шпионам - which means "Death to Spies") is a fictional Soviet counterintelligence agency featured primarily in the early James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. While modelled on the real SMERSH organisation (which existed 1943-1946), Fleming's SMERSH expanded upon the original's operational jurisdiction, resulting in a large-scale subversive organisation which operated internationally and more closely resembled the real-life KGB.
- SMERSH (, acronym of (Spetsyalnye MEtody Razoblacheniya SHpyonov; Special Methods of Spy Detection), but also anecdotically referred to as SMERt' SHpionam; "Death to spies") was an umbrella name for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially founded on 14 April 1943. The name SMERSH was coined by Joseph Stalin. The pretext for its creation was to subvert the attempts by German forces to infiltrate the Red Army. Official statute of SMERSH listed following tasks to be solved by this organization:
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First Appearance
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| - Counter-intelligence agency
- Military counter-intelligence
| - *The Baron
*Urma Boont
*Pots Putnyocus
*Dr. Noah
*Jordo Drax
nativename a
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agency name
| - Chief Directorate of Counter-Intelligence "SMERSH"
| - Moscow, Soviet Union
- Leningrad, Russia
- Undisclosed location
parent agency
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parent department
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| - *Black Widow Voodoo Cult
*Entreprises Auric A.G.
Last Appearance
| - The Living Daylights (film)
| - In the newly liberated territories
agency type
| - Military counter-intelligence
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| - Counter Intelligence section
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prominent members
| - *Lavrentiy Beria
*Rosa Klebb
*Red Grant
*Auric Goldfinger
*Mr. Big
*Le Chiffre
| - SMERSH war die ausführende Abteilung des KGB.
- SMERSH es una agencia de contraespionaje soviética que aparece en las primeras novelas de Ian Fleming. Se trata de la conjunción de dos palabras rusas: "SMERt' SHpionam", (Смерть Шпионам), lo que significa " which means "Muerte a los espías". Aunque se suponía que la SMERSH de Fleming iba a ser similar a la organización real, en las novelas se describe como una agencia centrada en mandar operativos al extranjero para subvertir las operaciones de los enemigos, con el objetivo adicional de eliminar a los espías occidentales, en particular Bond. Categoría:Organizaciones
- SMERSH (a portmanteau of the Russian Smyert Shpionam - Смерть Шпионам - which means "Death to Spies") is a fictional Soviet counterintelligence agency featured primarily in the early James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. While modelled on the real SMERSH organisation (which existed 1943-1946), Fleming's SMERSH expanded upon the original's operational jurisdiction, resulting in a large-scale subversive organisation which operated internationally and more closely resembled the real-life KGB. SMERSH first formally appeared in the 1953 novel Casino Royale and subsequently appeared in Live and Let Die, From Russia with Love and Goldfinger. After Fleming's death, it would appear in such as James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me, Icebreaker and No Deals, Mr. Bond. Although the organisation was largely absent from the EON Productions film and video game franchise, its role taken by the more politically neutral SPECTRE, it would be mentioned in the films From Russia with Love (1963) and The Living Daylights (1987).
- SMERSH (, acronym of (Spetsyalnye MEtody Razoblacheniya SHpyonov; Special Methods of Spy Detection), but also anecdotically referred to as SMERt' SHpionam; "Death to spies") was an umbrella name for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially founded on 14 April 1943. The name SMERSH was coined by Joseph Stalin. The pretext for its creation was to subvert the attempts by German forces to infiltrate the Red Army. Official statute of SMERSH listed following tasks to be solved by this organization:
* Counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism, preventing any other activity of foreign intelligence in the Red Army;
* fighting "anti-Soviet elements" in the Red Army;
* protection of front line against penetration by spies and "anti-Soviet elements";
* investigating traitors, deserters and self-harm in the Red Army;
* checking military and civil personnel returning from captivity. The organisation was officially in existence until 4 May 1946, when its duties were transferred back to the NKGB. The head of the agency throughout its existence was Viktor Abakumov, who rose to become Minister of State Security in the postwar years.
- SMERSH was an underworld criminal organization. The location of their headquarters was unknown. SMERSH was constantly battling the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service (also known as MI5) in the decades prior to the Clone Wars.
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