| - From humble beginnings, he rose to become commander-in-chief of the Army in Hufata, and his aggressive tactics and brilliant strategic mind meant that he quickly subdued the fractured and ill-prepared forces of his rivals. He was also responsible for the infamous Borenu Blockade, which resulted in countless deaths, from starvation and malnutrition as well as the armed struggle. However, his short-lived spell as Supreme Ruler of his newly-created United Jakania lasted a matter of months, as he was ousted in a bloodless takeover by more democratic sections of the military, who set elections for July 2117, setting in place United Jakania's treasured democratic system, which survives to this day. He spent the last years of his life on his sizeable estate in Eastern Hufata, living in comfort and receiving visitors from all over Majatra. He died peacefully in 2144, at the age of 71, leaving his fortune to his 3 sons and 2 daughters.