| - The common sense idea that the sum of the parts will be equal to the whole is not always true, and what is truer still is: The whole is more than the sum of the parts because the whole belongs to a higher plane than the parts. For those who want to accomplish in life and to those who want to see that life is a science , this knowledge is basic. Without going into the details, this can be easily illustrated. A dismantled machine can be gathered in a basket as separate parts. It will not be the machine.
* The tree produces a seed; the tree grows out of the seed. Scientists know all the processes in this cycle. This is considered to be knowledge.
* A mechanic who has thorough, precise knowledge of every part of the car may not know how a car is made or designed or invented. His consummate knowledge of the parts may prevent him from being anything greater than a mechanic.
* One who passes an examination and obtains a degree education by memorization is effectively preventing him from obtaining real education. Each new organisation, such as The Internet, readily integrates with the existing organisations such as army, government, business, etc. So also, each part that is a whole and a part of a whole readily integrates with such other parts generating higher capacities to function in a higher plane.
* The introduction of Money in the form of paper currency was responsible for the growth of banks and other allied financial institutions. Money that was a part, aligning itself with business and banking gave birth to the joint stock companies which made public savings available for private enterprise.
* The relationship between the part and the whole is like that of a child and parent in which the child always outgrows the parent.