| - Vicki and Troilus are on the move. Having escaped from the fall of Troy, they and their people have been wandering in search of a place to settle. The Doctor is trying to get Wilf back home. The TARDIS dematerialises, and he thinks they've arrived in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1572, but it turns out they've arrived in ancient Asia Minor. A herdsman sees them arrive, and they tell him they are sea travellers. He takes them to his encampment where, the Doctor learns, Vicki and Troilus have stopped. He realises he has to keep Wilf away from Vicki. If Wilf learns who Vicki and Troilus are, he might be influenced in his later writing of the play Troilus and Cressida. However, the herdsman has seen the TARDIS and recognises it. He tells Vicki, who thinks that this Doctor is a younger version of the Doctor she knew. She soon suspects that this Doctor is a robot, like the robot Doctor she had previously experienced. She and the rest of her people make plans. The Doctor is making plans too. He wants Charley to get Wilf drunk so that he won't remember anything the next day. As they are all enjoying the wine, Vicki's people attack. Vicki in particular attacks the Doctor, trying to find the wires controlling him. They all soon realise their mistakes, and the Doctor explains everything. He then learns, to his embarrassment, that, although Shakespeare wrote the play Troilus and Cressida, it was Geoffrey Chaucer who came up with their story. Vicki also tells the Doctor that, in Shakespeare's play, Cressida ends up with Diomede. The Doctor is then forced to admit he never read the play. The TARDIS crew departs, with hopefully no harm done, and Troilus, Cressida and their people are on their way to ancient Britain, on the advice of Wilf, to settle there.