| - Nidhogg was a huge, dinosaur-like creature dating back to the primordial earth. It was one of the most powerful monsters in the Myriad of Shadowrealms (even defeating Scathach) until Josh slayed it using the power of Clarent.
- This page is meant for Supernova-specific information only. Please see the FFXIclopedia Nidhogg page for any other type of information. DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE.
- In Norse mythology, Nidhogg (Níðhöggr in Norse writting) is a dragon who knaws at the roots of the World Tree, Yggdrasill. Nidhogg is said to be controlled by the Norse goddess, Hel.
- Nidhogg is a legendary enemy that lives in the Unlimited Neutral Field.
- Nidhogg was a terran-settled world. The planet was considered unpleasant, since the inhabitants had to put up with bugs, smoky air and epilation (hair removal) treatments. Access to the drug hab was easy for its residents. An unspecified disaster struck the planet, in which evacuees were lucky to escape. They could be threatened with being forced to return there.
- Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 2 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): barrel2_Hyperion_Nidhogg The Nidhogg is a legendary rocket launcher manufactured by Hyperion. Examples are on the talk page.
- Nidhogg's appearance is similiar to a large dragon that is many times the size of a regular Duel Avatar. His body has scales that protrude all over. He has two horns attached to the top of his head with another one acting as his nose. His eyes are red with yellow pupils.
- A Nidhogg (Níðhöggr, i.e. Malice Striker) is a creature from Norse mythology, a dragon who gnaws at a root of the world tree. It first appeared in The Witcher: Adventure Game as an horrific opponent.
- Olbrzymich rozmiarów wąż o dwunastu ogonach. Utrzymuje, iż jest nieśmiertelny.
- Nidhogg to wielki bezskrzydły smok zjadający jeden z korzeni Jesionu Świata. Kategoria:Smoki
- in Norse myth, Nidhogg ("tearer of corpses") is a monstrous serpent that gnaws almost perpetually at the deepest root of the World Tree Yggdrasil, threatening to destroy it. The serpent is always bickering with the eagle that houses in the top of the tree. Nidhogg lies on Nastrond in Niflheim and eats corpses to sustain itself. It is not the only serpent whose task it is to destroy the World Tree; other serpents include Graback, Grafvolluth, Goin and Moin.
- Nidhogg (ニーズヘッグ Nīzuheggu) is a sacred Bow that appears in both Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem Awakening. Also known as the Serpent Bow (蛇弓, Jakyū), Nidhogg is, alongside the Winged Lance Vidofnir, one of Frelia's Sacred Twin treasures. Extremely powerful, Nidhogg is a double Class Buster; Its might is doubled against Monster opponents and tripled (in the Japanese version; Doubled in the English version) against Flying opponents.
- Nidhogg is a God Power in Age of Mythology, only available to Loki players who worship Hel in the Mythic Age. When used, Nidhogg, a ferocious dragon-like Myth Unit, appears above the spot where it was cast, and spews flames in a deadly splash attack that deals both hack and crush damage. As a flying unit, only ranged attacks can harm him.
- The Nidhogg appeared in the game Age of Mythology as a special unit. It also appeared in the expansion, the Titans, in story mode when it fights a Titan by the name Ymir.
- Nidhogg was paid 200 dinars by the warlord Otus to track down Hercules and Autolycus and retrieve the property they stole from the warlord's treasury. He followed the thieves up a giant beanstalk to Typhoon's cloud castle but was there eaten by the Cloud Serpent before he could execute his task. Nidhogg is the name of a dragon that gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree in Norse mythology.
- In Norse mythology Nidhogg was a dragon who gnawed on one of the three giant roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree (a giant Ash tree which connected all 9 worlds of Norse cosmogony). Nidhogg is located by Hvergelmir ("roaring kettle"; source of all cold rivers), one of the three wells/wellsprings located around Yggdrasil, in Nastrond ("dead body hall"), located in the world of Helheim or Niflheim, where it feeds off of corpses to sustain itself. Nidhogg is fated to finally eat through the entire root at Ragnarok, causing Yggdrasil to collapse. Nidhogg will survive Ragnarok and feast on all the wicked dead in its aftermath. The proper spelling of Nidhogg is Níðhöggr, which means "malice striker" or "tearer of corpses" in Norse.
- |} « Vivant à l'origine dans les profondeurs des mines de Lhusu, cette créature fut délogée par un fourmilion après une amère querelle de territoire. Depuis lors, le Nidhogg erre dans la zone d'exploitation, harcelant les mineurs et les empêchant de travailler normalement. Un garde du corps, excédé, a diffusé une annonce, espérant que celui qui accepterait le contrat pourrait les débarrasser, lui et ses collègues, de ce parasite. » —Description du bestiaire Le Nidhogg est un contrat de rang I de Final Fantasy XII. On le trouve dans les mines de Lhusu, dans la zone Section 1.