Climate Policy of Climate Experts Open Forum -
Climate Policy describes the plans and actions of governments and international organizations to address the causes and effects of global warming, the rise in average temperature near the Earth's surface caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Climate Policy describes the plans and actions of governments and international organizations to address the causes and effects of global warming, the rise in average temperature near the Earth's surface caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Rather than seek to tackle the problem directy using the most effective means of reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, for example by imposing carbon taxes, politicians in both liberal democratic and authoritarian regimes have focused their efforts on minimizing the costs to favored domestic constituencies and shifting the burden onto others, especially foreigners. Thus, although the German government is widely considered a leader in reducing carbon emissions, its conservative Christian Democratic leadership strongly opposed efforts by the European Union to reduce emissions by German manufactured automobiles.
Climate Policy of Climate Experts Open Forum -