*Telos Security Force
*Dantooine militia
*Onderon royalist platoon
*Republic Navy
**The Sojourn
**At least 3 Hammerhead-class capital ships
**At least 6 Foray-class blockade runners
**Aurek-class tactical strikefighters
***Blue Wing
***Red Wing
**S-250 Chela-class starfighters
**Ministry-class orbital shuttles
*100 Mandalorian warriors
*Jedi Exile and the Ebon Hawk crew members, among them several Force users
*1 Dark Lord of the Sith
*Sith assassins
*Dark Jedi
*Elite Sith troopers and Commandos
*1 Centurion-class battlecruiser
**The Ravager
*At least 4 Interdictor-class Cruisers
*Sith fighters