| - WALTER: Slowly. Suddenly you have all the finesse of a butcher. ASTRID: Walter, do you want me to do this or not? WALTER: This work requires a surgeon's touch. ASTRID: I'm more than happy to let you take over. WALTER: Fine. Proceed. But it's on your shoulders. ASTRID: Not even warped from the heat. Not bad for a butcher. PETER: Walter. Got some more fuel for the van. WALTER: I have Tape Number One. OLIVIA: Have you watched it? WALTER: No. I’ve only just liberated it. Shall we have a look? I had a prescription. It was medicinal. RECORDED WALTER: Welcome to Tape Three of my plan... OLIVIA: What happened to Tape One and Two? PETER: Walter, you stored the tapes out of order. ASTRID: Shocker. RECORDED WALTER: These videotapes must be retrieved. This tape will explain one of the most crucial elements that you will need. You will need to find your way to Pennsylvania... latitude and longitude coordinates forty-*ne degrees, twenty minutes, two seconds North, seventy-nine degrees, twelve minutes and thirty-two seconds West. Now, when you arrive - - ASTRID: Really? HENRIETTA BISHOP: See if you can rewind the coordinates. OLIVIA: Uh, forty-one degrees, twenty minutes, two seconds North, seventy-nine degrees, twelve minutes, thirty-two seconds West. HENRIETTA BISHOP: Are you sure? PETER: She's sure. HENRIETTA BISHOP: Walter. Do you recognize the location? WALTER: I'm sorry. I - if I’ve been there, it's been wiped from my mind, along with the other pieces of my plan to beat the Observers. PETER: Hmm. The entire area is undeveloped. There's nothing around it for miles. How are the roads in and out of Pennsylvania these days? Do you think we can get all the way out there safely? HENRIETTA BISHOP: We'd need to avoid checkpoints. I mean, it's a long way to go, considering we don't know what we're looking for. OLIVIA: Or if it's still even there - - whatever it is. PETER: Hey, Walter, you think we might be able to jog your memory - - WALTER: I - I don't think I should travel. My feet are swollen from standing in front of the Amber all day. I'll stay here for a bit... and... regroup. What?