Bizu is a member of the Sigma Force and a villain from Dragon Ball GT.
Bizu – jest Mutantem maszyny stworzone przez Dr Myū i skład grupy Sigma. Jego pierwotna nazwa pochodzi od "wice", kawałek sprzętu budowlanego, które nazwano jako "Bizu" dla angielskiej wersji Dragon Ball GT.
Bizu (Veis) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He makes his debut in "Pan's Gambit", the 17th episode of Dragon Ball GT, which premiered on June 26, 1996. His original name is derived from 'vice', a piece of construction hardware. This was dubbed as 'Bizu' for the English release of Dragon Ball GT.
ç Categoria:Personagens Categoria:Maquina mutante
Bizu was a Twi'lek male who was the son of Yendor, a pilot in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and New Republic. Yendor was forced to leave Bizu behind on their homeworld of Ryloth when he joined the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.