Award-winning tabletop roleplaying game designed to simulate pulp novels and old serials. Think Indiana Jones meets The Rocketeer in Journey to The Center of The Earth. Uses its own dice pool system, Ubiquity, which has been licensed to a couple other games: Desolation, a post-apocalyptic fantasy, and All For One--the Musketeers fight demons. Setting Contains Examples of:
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| - Award-winning tabletop roleplaying game designed to simulate pulp novels and old serials. Think Indiana Jones meets The Rocketeer in Journey to The Center of The Earth. Uses its own dice pool system, Ubiquity, which has been licensed to a couple other games: Desolation, a post-apocalyptic fantasy, and All For One--the Musketeers fight demons. Setting Contains Examples of:
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| - Award-winning tabletop roleplaying game designed to simulate pulp novels and old serials. Think Indiana Jones meets The Rocketeer in Journey to The Center of The Earth. Uses its own dice pool system, Ubiquity, which has been licensed to a couple other games: Desolation, a post-apocalyptic fantasy, and All For One--the Musketeers fight demons. Setting Contains Examples of:
* Auto Doc: The Secrets of the Surface World supplement had an Auto-Doctor as a possible Weird Science gadget.
* Diesel Punk
* Drives Like Crazy: Any character with the Reckless Driver skill in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Everything's Better with Monkeys: one of the sample characters is a superintelligent chimp who disbelieves in a Surface World.
* Food Pills: Nutrient Pills, a possible Artifact Resource in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* For Science!
* Ghostapo
* Great White Hunter
* Hollow World
* House System: Ubiquity, a dice pool system based on counting evens.
* Jack of All Trades: The jack of All Trades skill in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Jet Pack: An Artifact Resource in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Kill It with Fire: Subverted. Warmth wakes up Antarctic horrors.
* Lost World: Dinos abound in the Hollow Earth.
* Mad Scientist
* The Men in Black: The Paranormal Investigator archetype in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Monowheel Mayhem: The Wheelbike in the Weird Science chapter of the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Mysterious Antarctica: played straight with Frozen City of Terror.
* Poison Is Corrosive: The Secrets of the Surface World supplement mentions an Amazon rain forest wasp which has a sting with venom so caustic it causes 2nd degree burns.
* Pulp Magazine
* Raygun Gothic
* Sealed Evil in a Can: an ancient, corrupt Atlantean featured in Frozen City of Terror.
* Shout-Out: Multiple examples
* Stock Phrases
* Come with Me If You Want to Live: Used by Erich Reinhardt in the adventure "Prisoner of the Reich" in the Secrets of the Surface World supplement.
* Stupid Jetpack Hitler: Panzerkampfkruppen are basically Nazi AT-STs (the mini walkers from Star Wars).
* Two-Fisted Tales
* Walking the Earth: Secrets of the Surface World supplement. The Wandering Hero archetype is a monk from China who wanders the Earth fighting against injustice and helping people.
* Weird Science