| - Illuskans were tall, fair skinned people. Most had blue or steel gray eyes. Those living on the islands in the Trackless Sea and Icewind Dale had more blonde hair, and slightly less red and brown. Those in the Sword Coast North and surrounding lands had more raven black hair, from their significant Netherese heritage.
- Illuskans, also known as Northlanders, as the seagoing, warlike people of the Sword Coast, the Trackless Sea, and the Dessarin river valley. Although their ancestors founded Illusk, one of the earliest human civilizations in Faerun, as well as the great city of Waterdeep, Illuskans have long been seen as a barbaric people, having barely risen above the status of orcs in the eyes of many southerners. Illuskans are more than just barbarians, however, as their culture has given rise to powerful runecasters, fearless sailors, and legendary skalds. They also farm, fish, and mine their rugged lands, trading their goods with southern merchants. However, long-fallen elven empires, barriers of geography, and a cultural emphasis on raiding over trade have conspired to ensure that Illuskan culture an
| - Illuskans were tall, fair skinned people. Most had blue or steel gray eyes. Those living on the islands in the Trackless Sea and Icewind Dale had more blonde hair, and slightly less red and brown. Those in the Sword Coast North and surrounding lands had more raven black hair, from their significant Netherese heritage.
- Illuskans, also known as Northlanders, as the seagoing, warlike people of the Sword Coast, the Trackless Sea, and the Dessarin river valley. Although their ancestors founded Illusk, one of the earliest human civilizations in Faerun, as well as the great city of Waterdeep, Illuskans have long been seen as a barbaric people, having barely risen above the status of orcs in the eyes of many southerners. Illuskans are more than just barbarians, however, as their culture has given rise to powerful runecasters, fearless sailors, and legendary skalds. They also farm, fish, and mine their rugged lands, trading their goods with southern merchants. However, long-fallen elven empires, barriers of geography, and a cultural emphasis on raiding over trade have conspired to ensure that Illuskan culture and bloodlines have not taken root in other lands. Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with eyes of blue or steely gray. Those who dwell among the islands of the Trackless Sea and in Icewind Dale are largely fairh-haired, with blond hair predominating over red and light brown. Those who dwell on the mainland south of the Spine of the World are more prone to raven-black hair, an idication of significant Netherese heritage. Illuskans regard themselves as a strong, proud people forged by the harsh environment in which they well. They feel they have earned, through strength in battle, the right to claim the lands they have settled. Illuskans regard most southerners as weak and decadent, two much-despised traits. However, they are fair-minded and always willing to make exceptions for those who have proven otherwise. Illuskans themselves are bold and impetuous, given to proud boasts, the consumption of prodigious amounts of mead and ale, and quick tempers.