When the Earth is threatened by a race of living toxic waste creatures known as the Pollutrax Army, 5 ordinary teenager are summoned to defend the planet. Given powers drawn from the elements of nature and the beasts from myth and legend by Gaea herself, the 5 teens become Power Rangers Eco Force and pilot the incredible EcoZords. Later the 5 Eco Force Rangers are joined by a sixth Ranger from another world, the mysterious Black Ranger and his Griffinzord. Even with six Rangers, the enemies almost overwhelmed the Power Rangers Eco Force, until a lost relic revived the powers of the lost Gold Ranger and his Wolf EcoZord. The Black Ranger's friend from his homeworld joined the team as the Chromium Ranger, adding his power and Unicorn ChariotZord to the team's already expansive roster
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| - When the Earth is threatened by a race of living toxic waste creatures known as the Pollutrax Army, 5 ordinary teenager are summoned to defend the planet. Given powers drawn from the elements of nature and the beasts from myth and legend by Gaea herself, the 5 teens become Power Rangers Eco Force and pilot the incredible EcoZords. Later the 5 Eco Force Rangers are joined by a sixth Ranger from another world, the mysterious Black Ranger and his Griffinzord. Even with six Rangers, the enemies almost overwhelmed the Power Rangers Eco Force, until a lost relic revived the powers of the lost Gold Ranger and his Wolf EcoZord. The Black Ranger's friend from his homeworld joined the team as the Chromium Ranger, adding his power and Unicorn ChariotZord to the team's already expansive roster
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| - When the Earth is threatened by a race of living toxic waste creatures known as the Pollutrax Army, 5 ordinary teenager are summoned to defend the planet. Given powers drawn from the elements of nature and the beasts from myth and legend by Gaea herself, the 5 teens become Power Rangers Eco Force and pilot the incredible EcoZords. Later the 5 Eco Force Rangers are joined by a sixth Ranger from another world, the mysterious Black Ranger and his Griffinzord. Even with six Rangers, the enemies almost overwhelmed the Power Rangers Eco Force, until a lost relic revived the powers of the lost Gold Ranger and his Wolf EcoZord. The Black Ranger's friend from his homeworld joined the team as the Chromium Ranger, adding his power and Unicorn ChariotZord to the team's already expansive roster
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