| - Baxtorian oli hallitsija neljännellä aikakaudella. Hänen vaimonsa Glarial oli valtakunnan kuningatar.
- Baxorian was de leider van de Cadarn Clan, één van de acht Elven families. Hij wordt ook wel King Baxtorian genoemd. Hij kwam als één van de eerste elven in Gielinor. Hij was getrouwd met de Elf Glarial. Zijn clan was de familie die bescherming bood aan alle Elven en was daarom de militaire tak van de Elven. Hij zorgde voor vrede en bescherming voor de elven. Na de God Wars trok hij het oosten in en vergrootte daarmee het Elven domein. Toen Prifddinas echter over werd genomen door de Iorwerth Clan trok hij voor 5 jaar de strijd tegen de Iorwerth Clan om een poging te doen om Prifddinas te bevreiden. Hij faalde hierin en volgens de legende pleegde hij zelfmoord. Baxtorian's kleinzoon is Islwyn.
- When the God Wars ended and the Edicts of Guthix were put in place, the elven goddess Seren was forced to detonate herself in order to avoid leaving Gielinor. As a result, it fell to Baxtorian and his wife to comfort the elves, and rebuild their shaken society. She now speaks only through the Tower of Voices in central Prifddinas. Despite this loss, the elves saw an opportunity to expand their domain. With the Western Sea to the west and south, the only way to expand was east, into a land that was still recovering from the God Wars. Baxtorian was chosen to lead the eight elf clans by Seren, the goddess of the elves. He was head of the Cadarn Clan, the elves' primary military clan. Baxtorian lead them to a time of peace and security.
- When the God Wars ended and the Edicts of Guthix were put in place, the elven goddess Seren was forced to detonate herself in order to avoid leaving Gielinor. As a result, it fell to Baxtorian and his wife to comfort the elves, and rebuild their shaken society. She now speaks only through the Tower of Voices in central Prifddinas. Despite this loss, the elves saw an opportunity to expand their domain. With the Western Sea to the west and south, the only way to expand was east, into a land that was still recovering from the God Wars. Baxtorian was chosen to lead to lead the eight elf clans by Seren, the goddess of the elves. He was head of the Cadarn Clan, the elves' primary military clan. Baxtorian lead them to a time of peace and security.