| - Katarn was later informed of his Force sensitivity, and taught himself to become a Jedi while in search of the Valley of the Jedi. During this journey, he confronted the dark side within both himself and in the form of the Dark Jedi Jerec and his minions. Defeating them, Katarn went on to become a Jedi Master, teaching at the Jedi Praxeum. He participated in the offensives against the Yuuzhan Vong and became a part of the Jedi High Council in the New Jedi Order."
- [Source] Kyle Katarn était un Humain de Sulon sensible à La Force, il rejoignit l'Alliance Rebelle puis la Nouvelle République et fut un Jedi du Nouvel Ordre Jedi de Luke Skywalker.
- In the game Star Wars: Dark Forces, Kyle is recruited for several missions by the Rebellion, against the Dark Trooper project. His signature weapon was the Bryar blaster pistol, an accurate but slow-firing pistol. He collected other weapons along the way, such as the E-11 blaster rifle and the Imperial Heavy Repeater.
- Kyle Katarn is a former imperial soldier enlisted into the alliance military service. His family died in a imperial incident.
- Kyle Katarn was released in 2005 with the Universe set.
- Kyle Katarn (s. 22 BBY - kuoleman aika ei tiedossa, paikka Onderonilla Darth Revanin rakentaman 4-LOM droidin toimesta) oli sulonilainen jedimestari. Hän oli myös kapinallisten soturi Sulonin tehtävällä. Hän oli entinen Imperiumin iskujoukkojen jäsen. Kylen pilottina toimi Jan Ors, joka oli toiminut monissa kapinallisten tehtävissä.
- Kyle Katarn byl známý rytíř Jedi a pomocník Aliance pocházející ze Sulonu. Dříve býval stormtrooper, později dezertoval k Rebelům. Jeho životní partnerkou se stala Jana Ors, pašeračka pracující rovněž pro Alianci a později pro Novou republiku, účastnila se mnoha misí včetně likvidace projektu Dark Trooper.
- Kyle Katarn fue un famoso Jedi humano y operativo rebelde de Sulon. Fue un antiguo soldado de asalto Imperial que desertó a la Rebelión. A menudo vinculado con la agente Rebelde y compañera contrabandista Jan Ors, realizó muchas misiones secretas de la Alianza Rebelde y más tarde, la Nueva República, incluido el sabotaje del Proyecto Soldado Oscuro.
- Kyle is, mint sok felkelő, először a Birodalom keretein belül kezdte meg pályafutását, rohamosztagos képzést kapott. Azonban később átállt a Felkeléshez, ahol kémkedéshez használta fel addigi tapasztalatait. Kivételes tehetsége hamar megmutatkozott, a Danuta bolygón, egy jól őrzött birodalmi objektumból ellopta az első Halálcsillag terveit. Ezt követte Rebus Moff, egy fegyverspecialista elfogása Anoat City csatornái alatt. Felderített, majd elpusztított egy birodalmi droid gyárat Anteerey-n. Itt gyártották a Dark Trooperek páncélzatát, fegyvereit. Elpuszította a sötét Jediket akik:
- Kyle Katarn was a famous human Jedi Master and Rebel operative from Sulon. He was a former Imperial stormtrooper who defected to the Rebellion. Often paired with fellow Rebel agent and smuggler Jan Ors, he performed many covert missions for the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic, including the sabotage of the Dark Trooper Project. Katarn was later informed of his Force sensitivity, and taught himself to become a Jedi while in search of the Valley of the Jedi. During this journey, he confronted the dark side within both himself and in the form of the Dark Jedi Jerec and his minions. Defeating them, Katarn went on to become a Jedi Master, teaching at the Jedi Praxeum. He participated in the offensives against the Yuuzhan Vong and became a part of the Jedi High Council in the New Jedi
- Kyle Katarn era un famoso soldato imperiale e successivamente mercenario, Maestro Jedi ed operaio Ribelle da Sulon. Nato nel 22 BBY, era il figlio dei contadini Patricia e Morgan Katarn, quest'ultimo sensibile alla Forza ma mai diventato un Jedi. La madre venne uccisa per errore da un droide di sicurezza malfunzionante BT-16. Nonostante il padre appoggiasse segretamente l'Alleanza Ribelle, mandò il figlio all'Accademia Imperiale. Dopo la morte di suo padre, in realtà avvenuta per opera di Jerec, Kyle incolpò i Ribelli e condusse alcune campagne contro di loro, diventando un ufficiale assaltatore Imperiale pluridecorato, che diventò in seguito un mercenario. Venne arruolato nella ribellione da Mon Mothma. Inizialmente aiutò Leila Organa ad ostacolare le spedizioni imperiali da Coruscant, ch