| - Pokemon X and Y is an anime series based on the upcoming Pokemon X and Y.
- The player who can be a boy or a girl who lives with his or her mother, famous Rhyhorn racer, Grace, is chosen to be a holder of Pokemon. Upon defeating the Gym Leader, Bug-type Viola and getting the first Gym Badge, the player and his or her friends visit Professor Sycamore at Lumiose City, who give them an extra Pokemon. When the player leaves Sycamore's lab, Lysandre, a scientist gives the player a Holo Caster. The storylines end there, but the player can freely roam the cities in Kalos and capture any Pokemon that he or she hasn't collected.
| - The player who can be a boy or a girl who lives with his or her mother, famous Rhyhorn racer, Grace, is chosen to be a holder of Pokemon. Upon defeating the Gym Leader, Bug-type Viola and getting the first Gym Badge, the player and his or her friends visit Professor Sycamore at Lumiose City, who give them an extra Pokemon. When the player leaves Sycamore's lab, Lysandre, a scientist gives the player a Holo Caster. The player goes to a cave where a group called Team Flare battles him or her. After defeating the second Gym Leader, Rock-Type Grant and collecting the second Gym badge at Cyllage City, Team Flare battles the player once again. Korrina, the third Gym Leader gives the player her Lucario after defeating her and obtaining the Mega Ring. The player and friends collect lots of Pokemon until when the player has defeated the seventh Gym Leader, Psychic-type Olympia at Anistar City and collecting the seventh Gym Badge, Lysandre announces that Team Flare is going to destroy Kalos using the ultimate weapon. The player reaches Lysandre Labs and battles Lysandre in a Pokemon battle. Upon reaching a room, The player encounters Lysandre and a mysterious man locked up, who tells the story of the weapon and the king of Kalos activating the weapon because of the death of his Pokemon, Floette nearly 3'000 years ago. Lysandre's second-in-command, Xerosic battles the player, but he or she wins. Defeated, Xerosic tells the player to deactivate the weapon, but it turns out to be a trick as when the player pressed the button, it loads the weapon onto Geosenge Town. Upon reaching a room, the player encounters Xerneas or Yveltal, the Legendary Pokemon. Upon capturing it, Lysandre battles the player again. Furious that the player has beaten him, Lysandre aims the machine at the labs, hoping that it will crush and kill the player and his or her friends, but it instead, crushes and kills Lysandre. Upon defeating the final Gym Leader, Ice-type Wulfric at Snowbelle City and collecting the final Gym Badge, the player joins the Pokemon League and fights Elite Four. Upon defeating Elite Four, the player gets to defeat the Pokemon Champion who is the actress, Diantha who the player met previously in the game. Upon defeating her, Diantha retires as the Champion and grants the player as the new Champion. A parade is held for the player at Lumiose City and the mysterious man battles him or her. Upon losing the battle, a Floette floats down in front of the mysterious man, making him happy, which reveals that he was the king of Kalos who activated the weapon. The player goes back to Grace in Vaniville Town and says that Professor Sycamore wants to see the player. The player sees Professor Sycamore who gives the player a pass to go to Kiloude City. Upon entering Kiloude City, The player finds out that Professor Sycamore has found a way to power up the Mega Rings. The player meets Professor Sycamore at the mysterious Anistar City who tells him or her to touch the mythical sundial, which then powers the Mega Ring. Upon entering Lumiose City, the player receives a mysterious call on the Holo Caster and is asked to go to the Looker Bureau. Upon reaching there, a detective called Looker says that he wants the player to be his accomplice. Looker adopts a girl called Emma. A masked guard called Essentia terrorises Lumiose City. Looker tries to stop Essentia, but is injured when Essentia karate-chops him in the stomach. The player finds out that Emma is actually Essentia, and that that the suit was possessing Emma. The player manages to break the bond between the possessed suit and Emma. The player finds out that Xerosic has stolen everyone's Poke Balls. The player stops Xerosic who leaves Kalos. Looker also leaves Kalos, saying his job is done. He leaves Emma and the player in charge of the bureau. The storylines end there, but the player can freely roam the cities in Kalos and capture any Pokemon that he or she hasn't collected.
- Pokemon X and Y is an anime series based on the upcoming Pokemon X and Y.