| - Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (zu deutsch "Keines Mannes Sohn") gehörte dem Orden der Assassinen an. Er war der Sohn des Umar und wurde in den Orden hineingeboren. Im Alter von 24 Jahren wurde er ein Meister seines Faches und für den Fortbestand und Erfolg seiner Bruderschaft unerlässlich. Er wurde zu einem legendären Assassinen. Er zeugte mit der ehemaligen Templerin Maria Thorpe zwei Kinder, Darim und Sef. Aus seiner Linie entstammen Desmond Miles und Clay Kaczmarek. Altaïr ist sehr zielstrebig, mutig und diszipliniert.
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was a Syrian-born member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins and served as theirMentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression. His leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence in the Old World. Raised to be an Assassin from birth, Altaïr became a Master Assassin at age 25, the youngest ever to obtain the rank. He failed to recover an Apple of Eden from Robert de Sablé in July 1191 and subsequently allowed the Templars to attack the town of Masyaf, headquarters of the Assassins. For this, he was demoted to the rank of novice and sent on a quest for redemption.
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad is a characther of The Assassin's Creed who appears in the Kingdom Hearts: Night of The War.
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a Syrian Assassin during the Middle Ages and, from 1191 until his death, the Mentor of the Assassins in the Levant.
- Altaïr Ibn-Le'Ahad (Arabic: الطائر بن لا أحد, Altaïr means "The Bird" and Ibn-La'Ahad means "Son of no one") is a fictional character in the Assassin's Creed video game series, introduced in the original Assassin's Creed in 2007. He is also the a main protagonist inAssassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles and Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, and appears as a playable character in Assassin's Creed: Revelations and some other games.
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a Syrian-born member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins who served as their Mentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression. His leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence throughout the Old World.
- Altaïr urodził się w 1165 w Masjafie jego matką była Maud, a ojcem Umar. Jego matka zmarła podczas porodu, a ojciec niedługo później, bo podczas pierwszego oblężenia Masjafu w 1176, gdy został porwany przez Saracenów. Do chłopaka przybył Ahmed Sofian, który poinformował go o śmierci ojca. Asasyn twierdził, że został uratowany przez Umara, jednak poczucie, że Altaïr został sam nie dawało mu spokoju, więc poderżnął sobie gardło.