Transformers Universe is an upcoming multiplayer online free-to-play game (MMO) based on the Transformers franchise, developed by British developer Jagex Games Studio in cooperation with American toy company Hasbro. The game is set to be released in North America, Latin America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia in Late 2013.
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| - Transformers: Universe (game)
| - Transformers Universe is an upcoming multiplayer online free-to-play game (MMO) based on the Transformers franchise, developed by British developer Jagex Games Studio in cooperation with American toy company Hasbro. The game is set to be released in North America, Latin America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia in Late 2013.
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- * Megatron
* Barricade
* Brawl
* Onslaught
* Switchblade
* Duststorm
* Conduit
* Shellshock
* Derail
* Deadheat
* Astraea
* Mismatch
* Hotwire
* Drive-By
* Rampart
* Flatline
* Diabla
* Contagion
* Firebreaker
* Rollcage
* Knock Out
* Vehicons
- * Optimus Prime
* Bumblebee
* Prowl
* Ironhide
* Arcee
* Ratchet
* Bulkhead
* Meltdown
* Front-Line
* Catapult
* Anomaly
* Doubletake
* Ripraw
* Showdown
* Macro
* Triage
* Overclock
* Monsoon
* Sparkscape
* Swagger
* Cameo
* Outsider
* Autobot Vehicons
| - Transformers Universe is an upcoming multiplayer online free-to-play game (MMO) based on the Transformers franchise, developed by British developer Jagex Games Studio in cooperation with American toy company Hasbro. The game is set to be released in North America, Latin America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia in Late 2013.