| - Long, long ago what some would consider a superior race visited the Earth. This has been widely disputed by historians for years, but there are those in our world that believed it is true and that the race still visit. Those people have dedicated their lives to uncovering the clues that The Ancients of Days have left. Ancient of Days is a name for God in Aramaic. The title "Ancient of Days" has been used as a source of inspiration in art and music, denoting the Creator's aspects of eternity combined with perfection. It is within the art and music of our ancestors in which the first clues of alien visitation were found. And yet as soon as those clues were uncovered more findings emerged, that the aliens didn't just inspire our art and music.. but they are apart of our very DNA. Dr. Edward Peirance was the anthropologist/archaeologist to discover the plans within various texts and artifacts for a machine that would allow for interstellar and intergalactic space travel. With help from a team of excavators they unearthed the Arc of the Covenant, a glorious discovery of our lifetime, on Oak Island in Nova Scotia within the bobby trapped Money Pit. Within the Arc was found not only religious artwork and tablets, but the power source of a Manna machine and the directions for a larger nuclear power source. It was Dr. Arnold Essta and a team of other scientists gleamed from NASA that built the ship that would allow for travel to other worlds. The greatest experiment in travel, however, would be in attempting to travel to the Ancient of Days homeworld, so outlined in many texts that Dr. Peirance, in collaboration with Haiss Mobara, discovered- one such discovery of Orion's belt in our galaxy pointing out a planet outside of our galaxy. It was believed that it would take a great deal of time, so three families were selected to make the first journey; within these families were anthropologists, former NASA scientists, and an archaeologist. Several soldiers from various countries, trained to work together, also were on board to attempt to ensure the safety of the crew. The families (consisting of children as well) of the main crew members were asked to join them to show a good face to the Ancient of Days primarily, in hopes that the Ancients would appreciate the dynamic within the group and find them harmless, and with hopes that they would reveal more technology than we had ever imagined. The first flight was a great success. Within twenty years the group had spent time with the Ancients of Days, learn much, and was able to return to Earth to act as the first Ambassadors from our planet to the planet of our ancestors. Despite the success of the first flight, the Ancient of Days refused to return to Earth.. instead they invited a larger group of people to make the pilgrimage to their world, with a promise to teach and share more of the history of the Ancient of Days with the humans of Earth. They did limit the number of people that would be permitted to travel.