| - History of location is unknown.
- Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. It is located in between Virginia and Maryland. It is the site of White House, home to the President of the United States, and governing bodies of this great land. Washington D.C. is a location visited by Arthur and his family in the Season 2 episode 79 "D.W. Goes to Washington." The characters tour different memorials here and meet the President.
- Washington, D.C. is the city, formerly part of Maryland, on the north-east side of the Potomac River, where the government of the United States is headquartered. Its District of Columbia is a federal territory with the same boundaries as the city, but large areas of adjacent Maryland, and Virginia over the river, are included, for the purposes of this website, because they are functionally part of the one "city".
- Washington, D.C. (Formally known as District of Columbia) is the federal district and Capitol of the United States.
- thumb|Washington D.C., zu sehen im Introvideo von Fallout 3 mit einem Mitglied der Stählernen BruderschaftIm frühen 21. Jahrhundert, als die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in 13 Commonwealths aufgeteilt wurden, wurde die Hauptstadt aus der Vorkriegszeit dem Columbia Commonwealth zugeteilt, zusammen mit Virginia und Maryland. Nach dem Großen Krieg bekamen die radioaktiven Ruinen und deren Umgebung den Namen Ödland der Hauptstadt.
- Washington, D.C. was a city from the Earth and the old capital of the United States of America, located in North America.
- Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia) is the capital city of the United States of America. It is not a part of any state. FBI agents Mark Benford, Stanford Wedeck, Demetri Noh, and Agent Vreede travel to Washington to testify on their Mosaic Investigation before the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Senator Clemente. While there, Stanford Wedeck also visits President Dave Segovia, for whom Wedeck once worked. ("Gimme Some Truth")
- The city of Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States and located in the District of Columbia between the states of Maryland and Virginia on the Potomac River.
- Washington, D.C., more formally the District of Columbia, is national capital of the United States of America. The three branches of its central government - the Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court - are all located here. Additionally, the city is home to many national monuments and various government agencies.
- Washington, D.C. is the historical seat of the government of the United States, and seems to serve as the same function for Earth's Government. While the original city was named after the first American president George Washington, in 2475 the city was rededicated to Washington the Sweathog.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. Founded in 1790, it is the home to many famed landmarks of the country, such as the Washington Monument and, most famously, the White House.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia is the capital of the United States. The U.S. Constitution allows for the creation of a special district to serve as the permanent national capital. The District is therefore not a part of any U.S. state and is instead directly overseen by the federal government. Within the District, a new capital city was founded in 1791and named in honor of George Washington. The District is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and is bordered by the states of Virginia to the southwest and Maryland to the other sides.
- Washington, D.C. (formally the District of Columbia) was the capital of the United States and a location that was featured in Resident Evil: Retribution.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. In 1814, during the War of 1812, the capital was briefly occupied by the British Army. Most of the city was burnt to the ground during the occupation. The British Army left the next day. On September 11, 2001, The Pentagon was struck by terrorists when five al-Qaeda hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into it, killing themselves and 125 others.
- Washington is a capital city in the Sonic X Zone that is home to the President. G.U.N. also maintains a presence in the city, and they often report to the president for debriefing and missions.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States of America.
- Washington, D.C. is the capitol city of the United States of America. It was founded on July 16, 1790, named after the first President of the United States, George Washington.
- It is the home of Peter Solomon and his sister, Katherine Solomon.
- Washington, D.C. was the capital of the United States. It was destroyed during the missile strike of World War III at the opening of the second Seal Judgment.
- It has a population of almost 600,000 and a metro population of close to 6 million.
- Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. It is located in eastern U.S.A.
- On April 1st, 2012, a flu-like illness known as The Bug hit Washington, D.C. leaving certain areas of the city unprotected as government workers stayed home to avoid catching the flu. This event would mark the beginning of a buildup of events that started the Crisis in Washington, D.C., the event that started John Adams plan to take over Earth. On August 9th, the Washington Monument was attacked by the Trust posing to be terrorists. On September 11th, the anniversary of the 911 terrorist attacks, presidential candidate Senator Harriet Reimer was assassinated.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. It is home to the Taelon Embassy where the North American Companion, Da'an lives and works. Most of Da'an's human underlings also resided in the city, although this was not required, since high-ranking agents such as William Boone could be recalled within minutes through the use of interdimensional shuttles. The Flat Planet Cafe, a known Resistance hang-out, is also located in the city. Renee Palmer also resides in the Washington. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States. It is the location of the White House.
- Washington, D.C. is a federal district of the United States of America. As Washington D.C. is not part of a state its resident citizens do not enjoy the full voting rights as most Americans. Electoral reform campaigns in D.C. often overlap with campaigns for statehood.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington or simply D.C., was a federal district and the capital city of the United States of America. The city, not a part of any U.S. state itself, was situated on the Potomac River, bordering the states of Maryland to the northeast and Virginia to the southwest.
- Washington, D.C. is a location in The Conduit and Conduit 2. It's the main location where The Trust and the Drudge forces begin their war.
- Washington, District of Columbia (abrégé D.C.), est la capitale fédérale de l'Empire américain fasciste et le lieu de production et d'emballage des Hambourgeois comestibles. Depuis ce lieu, le Président américain domine le monde par le biais de l'Axe du Mal.
- Washington, D.C. was the pre-War capital city of the United States and part of the Columbia Commonwealth, along with the states of Virginia and Maryland. After the Great War, the city's radioactive ruins and surrounding areas were named the Capital Wasteland.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America. It is not part of any one state.
- This group consists of the following character:-
* Derek
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia, is a magical underground kingdom; the metropolis's machinery is manned by small pixies and dwarfs, and is entirely powered by a dream burning furnace. There is also a back up generator in the capitol powered by George Washington turning over in his grave. This city has been nicknamed 'The Giant White Phallus' due to it's many white phallic shaped buildings and monuments; and for the people inside them. Anyway, whatever-it's-called is bordered by Maryland to the north, Virginia to the south, and Africa to the east. Officially, D.C. is the capital of the United States; and the home of the Justice League Europe.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country's East Coast. As permitted by the U.S. Constitution, the District is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Congress and is therefore not a part of any U.S. state.
- Washington D.C. is a place in the United States where the famous Presidential White House is located. It is one of the most important places in the Marvel Cinematics Universe.
- Washington, D.C. is the capitol city of the United States of America. It is about 120 miles from Flash Gordon's hometown, Kendal, Maryland.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America, one of the most powerful nations on Earth, and the nation where the Ark lay in most Generation One continuities. As a center of political power, it featured in many Transformers stories. The Dinobots once defended it from the Decepticons and the Sub-Atlanticans, without destroying too much of the city in the process. Atlantis, Arise! On another occasion, Optimus Prime met with the President there, but Soundwave "overheard" the planning. Megatron then used the Insecticons to attack the city, framing the Autobots as the ones behind the attack. The Decepticons were defeated largely through their own ineptness, and the President saw through their ruse, anyway. Plague of the Insecticons!
- Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia) is the capital city of the United States of America and is the seat of government. The FBI having its headquarters in the city, agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully resided and worked mostly from Washington D.C. and its surroundings until 2002 when they went into hiding and moved to rural Virginia. The White House is located in this city. The Pentagon, where evidence concerning the X-Files is kept at a high security level, is located across the river from D.C.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. It was here in 1959 where Michael Corleone appeared before a subcommittee of the U.S. senate, investigating the Mafia and the Corleone family.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States.
- At the time of the Machine War, Washington was a highly advanced megacity, crowded with immense skyscrapers. Only the area immediately surrounding the National Mall, including the White House, the Capitol Building, and several museums were preserved in their original state as a sort of historic park. Since the layout of the preserved area does not match the present-day city, it's possible that the original city was destroyed and that this is a mere replica, though it's more likely due to a lack of strict adherence to accuracy on the part of the artists behind The Second Renaissance.
- Washington DC gave the highest percentage for John Kerry in 2004 of anywhere in the country at 89.43%. Let's help them boost that in 2008, and carry the rest of the country with us! Kerry # Kerry % Bush # Bush % Other # Other % Total Votes 202970 89.43% 21256 9.37% 2724 1.20% 226950
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. The American central government was forced to evacuate the capital city when it became vulnerable to Chimeran attack after the city was struck by a spire attack on November 27th, 1951.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. It is known for where the President of the United States resides and works in his time in office, and for its national monuments.
- Washing, D. C. is where Benjamin Franklin Gates, Riley Poole, and Abigail Chase live and also the home of the National Archives and Declaration of Independence.
- It was the city where the films Die Hard 2 and Live Free or Die Hard take place.
- thumb|Vue aérienne de Washington D.C. et du CapitoleWashington, D.C. (District of Columbia) était la Capitale des États-Unis d'Amérique avant la Grande Guerre, et membre du Columbia Commonwealth avec les États de Virginie et du Maryland. Après l'holocauste nucléaire, les ruines radioactives et hostiles de l'agglomération et de ses alentours furent nommées Terres désolées de la Capitale.
- Washington, District of Columbia (commonly known as Washington, D.C.) is a federal district and the capital of the United States of America.
- Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America. D.C. stands for District of Columbia. It is a square-shaped region on the Potomac River between the states of Virginia (to the west) and Maryland (to the east).
- Washington, in the District of Columbia, situated at the fork of the Potomac and Anacostia river, is the federal capital of the United States of America. The city, with its 530,000 inhabitants, is the seat of political activity for both the State and numerous international organizations, which together employ around 35,000 people. The city is divided into quadrants, with The U.S. Capitol forming the centre. The north-south streets are numbered. The east-west streets have letter names, listed in alphabetical order, A to W. After W Street, the east-west streets have two syllable names in alphabetical order, A to W. Then there are three-syllable names in alphabetical order. The next "alphabet" contains streets named after flowers, plants and trees, again in alphabetical order. The number and
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. The city is named after George Washington, who was commander-in-chief of of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and later became the first President of the United States.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the |capital]] of the United States. The signing of the Residence Act on July 16, 1790, approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country's East Coast. As permitted by the U.S. Constitution, the District is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and is therefore not a part of any U.S. state.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country's East Coast. As permitted by the U.S. Constitution, the District is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Congress and is therefore not a part of any U.S. state. The states of Maryland and Virginia each donated land to form the federal district, which included the preexisting settlements of Georgetown and Alexandria; however, Congress returned the Virginia portion in 1846. Named in honor of George Washington, the City of Washington was founded in 1791 to serve as the new national capital. C
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Washington, D.C. article. Take me to the Washington, D.C. article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act approved the creation of a capital district as permitted by the U.S. Constitution. The District is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Congress and is therefore not a part of any U.S. state. The city and the U.S. state of Washington, which is on the country's Pacific coast, were both named in honor of George Washington.
- Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790. The City of Washington was originally a separate municipality within the Territory of Columbia until an act of Congress in 1871 effectively merged the City and the Territory into a single entity called the District of Columbia. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is known as Washington, D.C. The city is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and is bordered by the states of Virginia to the southwest and Maryland to the other sides. The District has a resident population of 591,833; however, because of commuters from the surrounding suburbs, its populatio
- Washington, D.C. formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790. The U.S. Constitution allows for the creation of a special district to serve as the permanent national capital. The District is therefore not a part of any U.S. state and is instead directly overseen by the federal government. Within the District, a new capital city was founded in 1791 and named in honor of George Washington. The City of Washington, along with Georgetown and outlying areas within the federal district, were placed under a single, unified government following an act of Congress in 1871. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is known as Washington,