| - Erebos was a large city on the Sea of Fallen Stars. The city could call up 8,000 troops and had a large fleet of ships with 5,000 marine soldiers. An ancient temple of Tiamat stood near the sea.
- Erebos is a deity featured in Might & Magic X: Legacy. He is known as the Master of Assassins. He may or may not be a servant of Malassa the Dragon God of Darkness (he certainly thinks he is, but it is not known if Malassa approves.)
- Erebus is the area between the Underworld and the Earth and the area outside of the Earth. At night Nyx brought Erebus together and in the morning Hemera scattered him, thus showing Aether or day. In some accounts, Hades is because of him. It is said that Erebus tried to overthrow the Olympians by releasing the titans or an unknown monster on them. But when he went to Tartarus, Hades pushed him in so he couldn't release anybody.
- Erebos is a recurring magic spell introduced in Grandia Xtreme. It has appeared as both a Water and Wind elemental spell and inflicts Sudden Death on a single target.
- The Erebos, originally named the Belladonna, was a Nova-class battle cruiser purchased on the black market by Erebos, Inc. to serve as a mobile headquarters. In 22 BBY, Captain Lyr Dooba, under the influence of a death stick, put the ship on a trip through hyperspace which ended in the middle of the Corporate Alliance fleet. The Separatists quickly destroyed the craft. The crew added one tractor beam and two proton torpedo launchers to the ship, as well as a medical suite full of bacta tanks with a supply of 600 liters of bacta.
| - Erebos was a large city on the Sea of Fallen Stars. The city could call up 8,000 troops and had a large fleet of ships with 5,000 marine soldiers. An ancient temple of Tiamat stood near the sea.
- Erebos is a deity featured in Might & Magic X: Legacy. He is known as the Master of Assassins. He may or may not be a servant of Malassa the Dragon God of Darkness (he certainly thinks he is, but it is not known if Malassa approves.)
- Erebus is the area between the Underworld and the Earth and the area outside of the Earth. At night Nyx brought Erebus together and in the morning Hemera scattered him, thus showing Aether or day. In some accounts, Hades is because of him. It is said that Erebus tried to overthrow the Olympians by releasing the titans or an unknown monster on them. But when he went to Tartarus, Hades pushed him in so he couldn't release anybody.
- Erebos is a recurring magic spell introduced in Grandia Xtreme. It has appeared as both a Water and Wind elemental spell and inflicts Sudden Death on a single target.
- The Erebos, originally named the Belladonna, was a Nova-class battle cruiser purchased on the black market by Erebos, Inc. to serve as a mobile headquarters. In 22 BBY, Captain Lyr Dooba, under the influence of a death stick, put the ship on a trip through hyperspace which ended in the middle of the Corporate Alliance fleet. The Separatists quickly destroyed the craft. The crew added one tractor beam and two proton torpedo launchers to the ship, as well as a medical suite full of bacta tanks with a supply of 600 liters of bacta. The ship's complement included some Z-95 Headhunters, two squadrons of Miy'til starfighters, half a squadron of Hetrinar bombers, six dropships, six combat speeders, Janet, Shadow Wraith, Shadow Deceptor, and Toothy I. The ship's crew included 1,000 R3 astromechs, 30 R2 astromechs, 20 ASP-7 labor droids, 30 WED-15 Treadwells, 30 PK worker droids, 500 B1 battle droid, 58 Droidekas, 6 3PO protocol droids, five MD medical medical specialists, 760 OOM pilot battle droids, 10 OOM security battle droids, 12 EG-6 power droids, 2 TC protocol droids, 30 Gands, the Fanatical Twenty, and Odogoth's 30 Pepe employees.