Clever Girl is an ironically named Rage Comic character who appears as a drawn version of game warden Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park, turning around his head being disturbed or wondering about something. For one thing, since his name is a phrase, and since he appears as a man even though the name of the meme was based on the name of the phrase he said which was "Clever Girl". The first appearance of the character and phrase possibly originated from the first Jurassic Park movie. The person who was drawn on the meme was resembled to be (As some people may know) is Bob Peck turning his head around disturbed or wondered about something rather than realizing like Actually Guy would do. It is unknown who created or drew the meme of Hunter Muldoon (Bob Peck), but for one thing, the meme start
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| - Clever Girl is an ironically named Rage Comic character who appears as a drawn version of game warden Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park, turning around his head being disturbed or wondering about something. For one thing, since his name is a phrase, and since he appears as a man even though the name of the meme was based on the name of the phrase he said which was "Clever Girl". The first appearance of the character and phrase possibly originated from the first Jurassic Park movie. The person who was drawn on the meme was resembled to be (As some people may know) is Bob Peck turning his head around disturbed or wondered about something rather than realizing like Actually Guy would do. It is unknown who created or drew the meme of Hunter Muldoon (Bob Peck), but for one thing, the meme start
| - turning his head around wondering or being shocked or disturbed about something.
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| - literally "Clever Girl" from jurassic park.
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| - none mentioned, possibly numerous other Rage Comic characters.
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| - Clever Girl is an ironically named Rage Comic character who appears as a drawn version of game warden Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park, turning around his head being disturbed or wondering about something. For one thing, since his name is a phrase, and since he appears as a man even though the name of the meme was based on the name of the phrase he said which was "Clever Girl". The first appearance of the character and phrase possibly originated from the first Jurassic Park movie. The person who was drawn on the meme was resembled to be (As some people may know) is Bob Peck turning his head around disturbed or wondered about something rather than realizing like Actually Guy would do. It is unknown who created or drew the meme of Hunter Muldoon (Bob Peck), but for one thing, the meme started to become slightly popular around that time. And he is also one of the realistically drawn memes that was inspired and had been made fun of from Jurassic Park.