| - Rake
- Rake was a ranch worker in the mountainous outskirts of Raccoon City, Pennsylvania. He looked after Chris Redfield's ranch and his horses.
- The Rake is a decoration released on April 28, 2015 during the Terwilligers 2015 Event which improved the Player's Vanity rating. It was the first prize to be won in the Event's Act 2. After the event it was made permanent.
- Rake appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series. Season 4 Muse to My Ears
- Rake is a tall, scruffy and scrawny male with wiry fur, thin shoulders and a network of long white scars across his muzzle.
- Een Rake (Nederlands: Hark) wordt gebruikt bij farmen om weeds te verwijderen uit patches. Het kan gekocht worden in Farming stores. Een hark kan breken. Een tool leprechaun kan je hark opbergen. Rakes worden ook gedropt door farmers.
- A Rake is a type of agent in Empire: Total War.
- A rake has a damage rating of "2."
- The rake did not start out as the wonderful creature it is today. While the concept of the rake was first dreamed up sometime during the Age of Empires, it was not fully realized until the future.
- Rake is a creature ability in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Rake era el planeta interior del sistema Prakith. No tenía lunas, y estaba compuesto de roca desolada.
- Rake is a trap for Mr.Bean and can be ONLY seen on the Mr.Bean PC Game.It deals moderate damage or 1/3 health for one Teddy Health.It doesn't seem to be dangerous.You can avoid it by jumping before you approach to it and should land on it's body (stick).It is also have many spots that it may appear like a Bullet Shooter (2 Types).
- See also Shake
- The Rake is a weapon in Silent Hill: Downpour. Murphy Pendleton can find them in front yards of various houses (as well as backyards) in Silent Hill. It deals medium damage but breaks in half relatively easily.
- A creature with this special attack gains extra natural attacks when it grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, but a monster with the rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple. A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.
- Sądząc po wyglądzie na rysunku, można uznać, że Rake miał być supermutantem.
- Base Value 0 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Type FormID The Rake is unique among the tools useless to the Hero. It is the only tool so far that has an animation of non-player characters using it. It can often be seen in the hands of characters in gardens and farms.
- The Rake is a gigantic Creeper that lives in Uhl Belk's stone city. It is bigger, stronger, and faster than regular Creepers. The Rake is killed by the Maw Grint, after being lured to him by Pe Ell and Horner Dees.
- A rake can break, and it needs to be re-assembled if this occurs.
- Paw Martingale used a rake for his chores in the pea patch. Marvin raked the lawn in his backyard when the Super Friends were coming for a visit.
- Rake causes Kinetic Damage and potentially applies Bleeding (Physical).
- File:Rake.png A rake is an item used when training the Farming skill. It is required to remove any weeds covering allotments and patches before seeds can be planted with the Seed dibber. Rakes are obtainable by purchase from the Farming Store by talking to Olivia near the Catherby farming patch. One can also trade them with another player. The tool leprechaun, found at farming patches, can store rakes, so one does not need to carry them from patch to patch.
- Rake is the Trap gag. It succeeds the Banana Peel but precedes the Marbles.
- Rake, eli haravaa käytetään maanviljelyksessä rikkaruohojen poistamiseksi maanviljelypalstalta. Haravan voi ostaa kaikista maanviljelyskaupoista. Harava voi myös mennä rikki, jolloin harava pitää kiinnittää takaisin varteen. Haravan voi tallentaa työkalu-leprechaunille, joita löytyy kaikkien maanviljelypalstojen luota ja säästää paikkoja pankista. Harava syntyy vajaan Lumbridgen suon länsipuolella. Luokka:Tavarat Luokka:Työkalut Luokka:Maanviljely
- A rake was a tool used to gather leaf matter. In 2376, while playing the Fair Haven holoprogram, Tom Paris warned Harry Kim to stay away from Maggie O'Halloran, saying she was "promised to a pig farmer with a very large rake" (Ray Ewan). (VOY: "Fair Haven")
- Rake was the innermost planet in the Prakith system. It was a moonless world of barren rock.
- The Rake is a fictional humanoid creature that infrequently stalks people by sometimes appearing at the foot of the victims bed, and has been known to mutilate and abduct children. The Rake originated as a "creepypasta" (urban legends or scary stories circulated on the internet) and was created by an anonymous poster in late 2005. The creature is depicted as a crouching humanoid that is around 6 feet tall, with pale, grey-colored skin. Its eyes are slightly larger than a human's, and they glow, which is the sign of a tissue in its eyes known as tapetum lucidum. It lacks a nose and its mouth is smaller than a human's, but when attacked or provoked, it opens freely on a hinge down to its neckline, showing hundreds of dull yet sharp teeth.
- The rake is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
- After the apocalypse the grass still needs to look nice! This standard rake can also be used as a weapon, it does between 7 and 11 damage points.
- Rake is a tool that can be used in the skill File:Farming-icon.pngFarming at any level. This item is used to clean File:Farming-icon.pngFarming patches, collecting Weeds in the process and granting 4 exp per patch.
- You can Rake your Growing Gardens plant if your plant doesn't look healthy or if you want to re-do it. If your plant is weedy, rake your weeds so that they won't steal the plant's nutrients. This one, for example, shall be raked.
- Ein Rake hat weiße Haut und Hände mit langen, krallen ähnlichen Fingern. Er besitzt weiß leuchtende Augen und hat einen Mund ohne Lippen. Dadurch sieht man immer seine Zähne. Außerdem hat er keine Nase oder Nasenlöcher. Der Rake lebt am liebsten in Wäldern mit Teichen. Diese Gebiete sind meist abgezäunt oder beschildert. Sie sind meist Nachts anzutreffen. Es kann allerdings auch vorkommen, dass sie sich in der Oberwelt blicken lassen. Auf ein Rake ist ein Kopfgeld von lebend 5.000 Gold ausgesetzt. Sie lassen sich durch Kugeln, Klingen und Zauber verwunden.