| - Hinobi (Japanese: ???) is a Fire Pokémon. Along with Bushyl and Ichty, it is one of three starter Pokémon the player can choose to start with at the beginning of Pokemon Sun & Moon Versions. It is the Fire starter for the Surto region. Hinobi is the most offensive of the three starters in Pokemon Sun & Moon Versions, and the second fastest after Ichty (though it should be noted all three starters share very similar base Speed stats). Its trait, Blaze, raises its offensive Fire-type power by 50% when its HP falls below 1/4. Hinobi comes equipped with the moves Pound and Tail Whip, but also learns Flame Wheel, Ember, and Bite. When it evolves into Pyradder at level 15 it becomes a Poison-type and learns the attack Poison Tail, though it can also acquire moves such as Bind and Poison Fang at this point as well. Its signature attacks, which it learns at far lower levels as Hinobi compared to its higher forms, are Fire Whip (a powerful physical Fire move) and Fireball (a multi-hit attack).