| - Tier: 9-B | Low 7-C | At least 7-C Name: Michelangelo Gender: Male Age: 15, likely 20 in Turtles Forever Classification: Mutant Turtle Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reactions and durability, expert in stealth, very good at close combat, very good leader, very good at improvising, expert at fighting with nunchucks, pretty good at trolling and messing up with people Striking Strength: Wall Class (Helped to collapse a gigantic wall) | Small Town Class | At least Town Class Stamina: Superhuman, can fight for hours even while injured and tired
| - Tier: 9-B | Low 7-C | At least 7-C Name: Michelangelo Gender: Male Age: 15, likely 20 in Turtles Forever Classification: Mutant Turtle Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reactions and durability, expert in stealth, very good at close combat, very good leader, very good at improvising, expert at fighting with nunchucks, pretty good at trolling and messing up with people Attack Potency: Wall level (Can tear apart the robots of Krang which are made of a metal harder and more durable then titanium) | Small Town level+ (Implied to have foughten and killed a Kraathatrogon, a being that can shake all of New York City simply by moving, as well as a being that overpowered Tiger Claw and Casey Jones) | At least Town level (Should be roughly comparable to the alternate timeline Raphael, who could shatter mountains) Striking Strength: Wall Class (Helped to collapse a gigantic wall) | Small Town Class | At least Town Class Speed: Superhuman (Can dodge laser beams) | Supersonic+ (Should be roughly comparable to Tiger Claw) | Hypersonic (Should be comparable to the Michelangelo of an alternate timeline) Durability: Wall level (Can jump off a building and survive with no injuries at all) | Small Town level+ | At least Town level Stamina: Superhuman, can fight for hours even while injured and tired Range: Extended Human melee, several meters with shurikens and lasers Standard Equipment: His nunchucks, shurikens and sometimes laser beams Intelligence: Below average (sometimes shows signs of being oblivious) Weaknesses: Doesn't kill (solved via bloodlust), fools around, dumb Key: Original Series | Manhattan Project | Turtles Forever