| - x073 Jack is born on the mainland, somewhere in the central United States, probably. x079 Jack's family, consisting of her mother, Helena Daily, her father, Marcus Daily, and her four brothers, Sam, Alex, Dean (first name Marcus), and Max. They are moved deep into the purple district. x080 Following an incident involving Jack wandering off with a stranger during a school field trip, she is pulled from all classes. Homeschooling begins. She is not allowed anywhere without a parent, or her brother Sam. x089 The Dove's Den is founded in the purple district by Jack's father.
| - x073 Jack is born on the mainland, somewhere in the central United States, probably. x079 Jack's family, consisting of her mother, Helena Daily, her father, Marcus Daily, and her four brothers, Sam, Alex, Dean (first name Marcus), and Max. They are moved deep into the purple district. x080 Following an incident involving Jack wandering off with a stranger during a school field trip, she is pulled from all classes. Homeschooling begins. She is not allowed anywhere without a parent, or her brother Sam. x084 Jack is enrolled in ballet, tap, tango, and viennese waltz classes. She is also enrolled in singing lessons, and piano. x086 Chaos in the city. Jack is forbidden from leaving the house. She is pulled from dance classes aswell, and is only permitted to continue her singing and musical lessons. In an attempt to keep her from getting into any vibe-fights, she is forbidden from using her skills, or even from letting anyone know that she has a vibe. x089 The Dove's Den is founded in the purple district by Jack's father. x090 Jack is permitted to sing some shows at the Dove's Den. She meets a man by the name of Joseph Alexander, a 27 year old stepper. The two start to date. Jack's family joins the funk mafia when it is formed. x091 relationship with Mr. Alexander begins to get serious. She stops singing at the Dove's Den, as per the wishes of her significant other. x094 Sees a performance that inspires her to take singing back up. Joseph disapproves, so she does as such behind his back. Joins the Funk Mafia in hopes of one day being able to stand with her brothers. x095 Jack visits a vendy with a badly broken jaw. She insists that it is her own fault. x097 Mr. Alexander Preposes. x098 The overpass incident occurs. Jack and her brother Dean are on a walk when they are set upon by two members of the UG. A joint dancebattle occurs, and Jack makes one of them so sad that he attempts to end his life by throwing himself off the overpass. He gets better. Her relationship to Mr. Alexander falls apart, though, as he assumes that she's been manipulating his emotions to keep him around this whole time. Despite the fact that she has not been, he is still a huge dickbutt about it and kicks her to the curb. She decides to go back to singing at the Dove's Den, which is now run by her four brothers. x099 Dance war occurs. Jack's parents forbid her from fighting in the battles. Dean is killed in an incident when he attempts to hop sides. Alex is killed when he is decieved by a small group of UG members. She is sad about this. x100 Jack still sings at the dove's den. Mess at Eclipse occurs. She hides for a little and is sad. x101 OTHER SHIT IS HAPPENING. She's a robot for a while thanks to the flares.