These Salamandra brooches are not to be confused with the přepůlená salamandří brož which is a quest item. They are amulets which are found on members of the Salamandra organization. These can be sold to the messenger at the U Chlupatého medvěda will pay 10 17px|orénů for each brooch currently in Geralt's inventory and to Declan Leuvaarden, who requires three of them as proof that Geralt is indeed fighting Salamandra before he will reveal any information. He does pay handsomely for those three however: 600 17px|orénů for the group.
These Salamandra brooches are not to be confused with the přepůlená salamandří brož which is a quest item. They are amulets which are found on members of the Salamandra organization. These can be sold to the messenger at the U Chlupatého medvěda will pay 10 17px|orénů for each brooch currently in Geralt's inventory and to Declan Leuvaarden, who requires three of them as proof that Geralt is indeed fighting Salamandra before he will reveal any information. He does pay handsomely for those three however: 600 17px|orénů for the group.