Septimus III was a planet in the Cardassian Union. In 2375, the Klingons invaded the planet and slaughtered the Eleventh Order, over 500,000 Cardassians; the Dominion had tasked a grand total of three Galor-class vessels to defend the planet against fifteen divisions of Klingons. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order)
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- Septimus III
- Septimus III
- Septimus III
| - In 2375 werd de planeet aangevallen door vijftien Klingon divisies. Weyoun beschouwde de planeet als "strategisch waardeloos" en weigerde versterking te sturen, waardoor 500,000 Cardassians om het leven kwamen. De weigering van de Dominion voedde het verzet van Damar tegen hen. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows") Zie ook: Invasie van Septimus III
- Es un Planetoide utlizado como base de la union Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
- Septimus III was a planet in the Cardassian Union. In 2375, the Klingons invaded the planet and slaughtered the Eleventh Order, over 500,000 Cardassians; the Dominion had tasked a grand total of three Galor-class vessels to defend the planet against fifteen divisions of Klingons. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order)
- Septimus III ist ein Planet der Cardassianischen Union und das Hauptquartier des Elften Ordens. Während des Dominion-Krieges wird der Planet 2375 von den Klingonen angegriffen. Legat Damar fordert Weyoun auf, Verstärkung zu schicken. Doch er meint nur, dass man sich schon um die Angelegenheit kümmert. Bei Septimus III sterben 500.000 Cardassianer. Der Verlust ist einer der vielen Zugeständnisse an das Dominion, die Damars Entschluss zur Rebellion auslösen. (DS9: )
- Septimus III is the third planet of the Septimus star system. In 2375, during the Dominion War, the Cardassian Eleventh Order was based there. At this point, the Eleventh Order was no more than a reserve unit, with few battle ready soldiers. The Klingons would later invade Septimus III, successfully landing fifteen divisions of troops. Corat Damar asked Weyoun for Dominion reinforcements to counter the attack, and Weyoun gave him his word that the Cardassian troops would not be allowed to die in vain. Weyoun would not send reinforcements to Septimus III and consequently the planet was captured by the Klingon Empire, with five hundred thousand Cardassian soldiers being killed. Weyoun claimed that by sacrificing their lifes, the troops based on Septimus III had forced the Klingons to expend
- The location of Septimus III was labeled on a tactical map that was on display in the wardroom of Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets", production art) The planet was attacked by the Klingon Empire just before the final stage of the Dominion War. The Klingons landed fifteen divisions, wiping out the Eleventh Order. According to Weyoun, this meant the Klingons had expended valuable resources to capture a strategically worthless planet. However, the Klingon victory ended up costing the Dominion heavily nonetheless because the nonchalance of Weyoun sacrificing the 500,000 men strong eleventh order was the final indignity that caused Legate Damar to instigate the Cardassian Rebellion. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows")
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| - In 2375 werd de planeet aangevallen door vijftien Klingon divisies. Weyoun beschouwde de planeet als "strategisch waardeloos" en weigerde versterking te sturen, waardoor 500,000 Cardassians om het leven kwamen. De weigering van de Dominion voedde het verzet van Damar tegen hen. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows") Zie ook: Invasie van Septimus III
- Septimus III is the third planet of the Septimus star system. In 2375, during the Dominion War, the Cardassian Eleventh Order was based there. At this point, the Eleventh Order was no more than a reserve unit, with few battle ready soldiers. The Klingons would later invade Septimus III, successfully landing fifteen divisions of troops. Corat Damar asked Weyoun for Dominion reinforcements to counter the attack, and Weyoun gave him his word that the Cardassian troops would not be allowed to die in vain. Weyoun would not send reinforcements to Septimus III and consequently the planet was captured by the Klingon Empire, with five hundred thousand Cardassian soldiers being killed. Weyoun claimed that by sacrificing their lifes, the troops based on Septimus III had forced the Klingons to expend troops and valuable resources on a "strategically worthless" planet. The loss of life on Septimus III would spurn Damar to form a Cardassian resistance movement against the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "Strange Bedfellows") News of the fall of Septimus III would spread throughout the Cardassian military, including the junior-ranking officers stationed at the Keralek Base on Ogyas III. Glinn Kelat believed that the Dominion had not sent reinforcements due to a misunderstanding or a miscommunication. Several of the others, including Rugal Pa'Dar, knew that the reason was the Dominion had come to see their people as being expendable. Rantok, the leader of the Cardassian troops on Ogyas III, was loyal to the Dominion and was keen to not have a repeat of the events of Septimus III. This loyalty made him order Tret Khevet to arrest Tevrek after Verisel heard Tevrek tell Khevet of Damar's resistance movement. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice)
- Es un Planetoide utlizado como base de la union Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
- Septimus III was a planet in the Cardassian Union. In 2375, the Klingons invaded the planet and slaughtered the Eleventh Order, over 500,000 Cardassians; the Dominion had tasked a grand total of three Galor-class vessels to defend the planet against fifteen divisions of Klingons. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) Ecological ramifications of the assault could prove devastating in the long term: a Cardassian eyewitness, Gul Tayben Berat of the Sherouk, described the Klingons as having "nearly blasted the atmosphere off the planet." Radiation levels in the area of the orbital assault were lethal in the immediate aftermath, and the quantum torpedo bombardment and resulting volcanism and seismic activity caused an extremely severe "nuclear" winter that preliminary estimates suggested would make the planet inhospitable to higher life for thousands of years. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order, "Those Who Remain")
- Septimus III ist ein Planet der Cardassianischen Union und das Hauptquartier des Elften Ordens. Während des Dominion-Krieges wird der Planet 2375 von den Klingonen angegriffen. Legat Damar fordert Weyoun auf, Verstärkung zu schicken. Doch er meint nur, dass man sich schon um die Angelegenheit kümmert. Bei der Schlacht um Septimus III wird der gesamte Elfte Orden ausgelöscht. Als Damar sich nach der versprochenen Hilfe für die Cardassianer erkundigt, meint Weyoun nur, dass die Cardassianer nicht umsonst ihr Leben lassen. Nun, da die Klingonen den Planeten verteidigen müssen, haben sie weniger Möglichkeiten, andere Stellungen anzugreifen. Bei Septimus III sterben 500.000 Cardassianer. Der Verlust ist einer der vielen Zugeständnisse an das Dominion, die Damars Entschluss zur Rebellion auslösen. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen.
- The location of Septimus III was labeled on a tactical map that was on display in the wardroom of Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets", production art) The planet was attacked by the Klingon Empire just before the final stage of the Dominion War. The Klingons landed fifteen divisions, wiping out the Eleventh Order. According to Weyoun, this meant the Klingons had expended valuable resources to capture a strategically worthless planet. However, the Klingon victory ended up costing the Dominion heavily nonetheless because the nonchalance of Weyoun sacrificing the 500,000 men strong eleventh order was the final indignity that caused Legate Damar to instigate the Cardassian Rebellion. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows") According to the script, the pronunciation for Septimus was "SEPT-uh-muss". [1] According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Septimus system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was a K-class star.
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