| - The golf cart and trailer is seen once more at the very end of the episode, when Chris is riding it past the castmates as he tells them to get a good night's sleep for their next challenge. In this episode, Chris claims that the golf cart is rented by the hour, despite it having several more appearances later on in the season. It was also seen to have a special feature; when Chris pressed a red button, several panes of glass rose up to enclose the four open sides of the cart (where the windshield, windows, and rear window would be), so that when the cart passed behind the Lame-o-sine, the heavy cloud of exhaust being expelled from it would not affect him, but, instead, the fourteen castmates. Shortly afterwards, when Geoff becomes impatient and wants to get on with the challenge, Chris cla
| - The golf cart and trailer is seen once more at the very end of the episode, when Chris is riding it past the castmates as he tells them to get a good night's sleep for their next challenge. In this episode, Chris claims that the golf cart is rented by the hour, despite it having several more appearances later on in the season. It was also seen to have a special feature; when Chris pressed a red button, several panes of glass rose up to enclose the four open sides of the cart (where the windshield, windows, and rear window would be), so that when the cart passed behind the Lame-o-sine, the heavy cloud of exhaust being expelled from it would not affect him, but, instead, the fourteen castmates. Shortly afterwards, when Geoff becomes impatient and wants to get on with the challenge, Chris claims that the card has an eject button and that he would use it if he wanted to, silencing Geoff. In Masters of Disasters, the golf cart and trailer were featured in the first half of the challenge, when the roof of the trailer was removed so that Chris could attach a massive machine gun onto it that could fire golf balls at the contestants in order to simulate hail. Chef Hatchet is seen to be sitting in the golf cart that was attached to the trailer at the time. This is the last appearance of the trailer, but the golf cart is seen later. In One Million Bucks, B.C., the golf cart is seen by itself for the first and last time in this episode. At the end of the challenge, when the Killer Grips emerge victorious, Chef drives up in the golf cart with their reward, a "mammoth-sized" slab of ribs, tied to the roof. However, he leaves the cart running, so the moment he exits, it instantly moves backwards and falls right into the nearby tar pit, with both the cart and the ribs sink. In Million Dollar Babies, it appears again when Chris rides up to the cast in it to tell them about the fifth and final challenge of the day: cheerleading. Due to the events of the previous episode, it may or may not have been the same one. In The Aftermath: III, the golf cart is featured yet again in the "That's Gonna Leave a Mark!" segment. The clip shows Chef driving the golf cart in the previous episode, on the way to deliver the doomed ribs to the victorious Grips. However, he accidentally rear-ended a similar golf cart, which was driven by the Sasquatchanakwa. It retaliated by pulling a golf club out of a bag in the back of his cart and repeatedly whacking the front-right tire of Chef's golf cart, then flipped him off. In Mutiny on the Soundstage, towards the end of the episode, Chef uses the golf cart and trailer to bring a massive safe over to the earthquake rig from Masters of Disasters so that he and Chris could launch it at the two finalists, Beth and Duncan, while they were running the course.