The Sabbath day is a weekly day that is designated by God, via Ten Commandments. This day is meant to honor God by attending The Temple to engage in worship services. God also designated the day by resting on the seventh day of Creation.
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| - The Sabbath day is a weekly day that is designated by God, via Ten Commandments. This day is meant to honor God by attending The Temple to engage in worship services. God also designated the day by resting on the seventh day of Creation.
- Shabbat is the Hebrew word for Sabbath. It is the seventh day of the week (Friday night into Saturday) and is the day of rest. Shabbat is a sacred (or holy) day for practicing Jews. The Hebrew spelling is שַׁבָּת. The word is pronounced as "shabbat" or "shabbous". Shabbos is an alternative translitteration (English spelling based on phonetics). Shabbat always lasts exactly 24 hours and 56 minutes.
- Sabbath is a term used in the series.
- In the 18th Century, he went to work for the British Secret Service. He was a big guy, muscular as well as fat, who looked exactly like Frank Miller's description of the Kingpin. He interpreted temporal physics as magic and the Time Lords as Elementals, and, because the Doctor had erased Gallifrey and broke science and history , this actually worked.
- The Sabbath or Shabbat was the Judeo/Christian holy day of the week, also known as a day of rest. This day began on Friday at sundown, and lasted until Saturday night. The Muslim faith called this day Friday Prayers. In about 300 CE, most of Christianity changed the occasion to Sunday in order to accommodate Sun worshipers in the Roman Empire. TOS episode & novelization: Friday's Child derives its title from a poem first published in Harper's Weekly denoting predetermined characteristics to children born on the various days of the week.
- Sabbath was born in 1740. He studied at Cambridge and worked for the Security Service. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) He was initiated into the Service in 1762 at the age of twenty-one. Sabbath was not supposed to have survived his initiation, but was saved by Octan and the Council of Eight to be used as a counterpoint to the Eighth Doctor. (PROSE: Sometime Never...) Sabbath defected from the Secret Service in 1780. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Shortly after this, Sabbath was contacted by the Council of Eight after a period of almost twenty years since his last encounter with them. The Council of Eight approached Sabbath at St. Cedd's College, and warned him of the impending arrival of the Doctor. (PROSE: Sometime Never...)
- I didn't write a story yesterday. I coded a little, but that's because that's how I get paid. I can code everyday, but I can't write everyday. Four days in a row is the longest stretch it seems. I wrote several stories in three days back in February, but that's still not more than four days. So we have to look deeper. Individual projects. 8. I got to take a bit of a break there on the Wednesday. The fifth day. But besides that, this is also changing the question from the What now? to the simpler What next? That's nice I've been spotted: You're writing Sambucca when writing. Amaro when coding
- In Christianity, the Sabbath is a weekly religious day of rest as ordained by the fourth of the Ten Commandments. The Hebrew word ("šabbāth", שַׁבָּת) means "the [day] of rest (or ceasing)," as it entails a ceasing or resting from labor. The institution of the Sabbath was in respect for the day during which God rested after having completed the Creation in six days, (Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 23:12, Exodus 31:16-17, Isaiah 56:6-8).
- Loretta Selk, code name Sabbath, is a supervillain who's been imbued by a dark power. She has a power blast and can teleport. She hangs around Superbad when she isn't working. Lorette Selk sat at the bar, all too aware that her outfit made her look like a hooker trying to work the bar. But she had the look for the ‘seductive villainess’ bit and needed to dress the part. Her handle was ‘Sabbath’, and she was an up-and-coming supervillainess. She’d wanted to call herself ‘Miss Sinister’, but Marvel had beaten her to the punch. And Marvel’s ‘Miss Sinister’ resembled Loretta so closely (well, except for the red diamond on the forehead), that she knew that she didn’t have the ‘Distinctive Likeness’ edge going for her. She’d mauled the artist who created it, but there was no way that she could s
- The Sabbath is a religion of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world, its two fundamental tenets being to “impart the charm and indecency of tiny young girls” and “be devoted to pleasure like a monster” . Filled with loli supremacist monster girls, the religion is non-theistic, having neither a god nor any real supernatural connection at all. In fact it's one of the most technophilic and research-based organizations in the MGE, as they periodically hold "Black Masses" that are half magi-tech expo, half pedophilic orgy.
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| - A religious group lead by Baphomet who is one of the main leaders of the Demon Lord's army. Its doctrine is to be given to lust just like a monster, and to acknowledge the so-called “loli girls” with their immature bodies as supreme. They preach about the wonderfulness of “loli girls” day and night. All of the monsters in it, including Baphomet and her underlings the “witches” have the forms of young little girls. Other types of monsters belonging to the group also have their forms changed to look like young children, and special magic is used to stop them from growing. Besides the monsters, human men that love them little are also part of the group.
They're always soliciting human men day and night to get them to become “lolicon big brothers.” They tempt women by offering eternal youth and great magical power, transforming them into “witches.” They periodically have a gathering called “black mass.” It is said that they do various things there such as thoroughly indoctrinating the men and women who have gathered into their ideology and educating them, having witches unveil their familiars, holding feasts for witches without familiars and monsters without husbands, and unveiling newly developed lewd items and spells.
They have branches in every region of the world. The founder of every group is “Baphomet.” Furthermore, to put it more accurately, they are the “spell casting unit of the demon lord's army.” It seems the original duties they were charged with by the Demon Lord were engaging in magical combat, and developing and testing new spells and magical items.
- The monsters have peculiar values that differ from those of humans.
Sabbath is a religious organization with activities based on those peculiar values that is run by “Baphomet ,” the champion of the demon realm who is the most important leader in the demon lord's army. They have young, small bodies, and they preach about the wonderfulness of little girls, and sex with them, to humans and monsters. It's a group of so-called “lolita supremacist” monsters who practice what they preach day and night. This time I'll introduce details about the demon realm's Sabbath based on materials provided by Sabbath Demon Realm Headquarters.
- Sabbath has two fundamental principles:
“Impart the charm and indecency of tiny young girls,” and “Be devoted to pleasure like a monster.”
Their bodies overflow with charm, and by using them for sex as much as desired, they also impart the wonderfulness of a lewd, childish body to human men. Under the great childish leader Baphomet, all of the adherents, including her subordinates the witches , have assumed the forms of tiny young girls. They assault and have sex with human men day and night. In order to increase the number of “lolicon big brothers” who love sex with a childish body more than anything else, they do various activities day and night including: canvassing, holding periodic assemblies, developing spells and magical items, etc. Aside from “Sabbath Demon Realm Headquarters” which is ruled by Baphomet, the greatest leader of the demon lord's army who resides in the demon lord's castle, there are many branches in other regions, and it's an enormous organization. All of the branches of Sabbath are ruled by different individual baphomets. Each of these various branches has decided on its own uniform. Everything other than the crest of Sabbath placed on their chest is different depending on the particular branch, but all of them are designed to turn on human men, or rather, “big brother,” and ensure some vigorous love-making. Care is taken to ensure that the designs, while cute, are also licentious.
Other than the uniforms based on a goat motif worn by the witches featured in this book, there are also said to be witches who wear fluffy uniforms based on a dog motif which were designed that way because the ruling baphomet is like the biggest dog lover ever. Additionally, wearing the uniform isn't required. Wearing plainclothes while actively participating is also allowed, but they are recommended to wear something that accentuates the charm of their young bodies, causing big brother to get fired up and just hug them without thinking because it's so cute. By the way, the official name of Sabbath Demon Realm Headquarters is “Demon Lord's Army: Spell Casting Unit.” It was originally a unit created to use magic in battle, and develop and test new spells and elixirs, but it ended up this way as Sabbath because Baphomet ran it according to her own whims.
- And the black mass that is held periodically is the main activity out of everything. Black mass starts off with a spectacle that unfolds as human men and women who were canvassed and gathered by Sabbath are trained and thoroughly indoctrinated with pleasure into the pedophilic ideology of Sabbath. The adherents choose big brother, and women are made into witches. And then, after welcoming new friends, new techniques for more enjoyable sex in the body of a young child, and newly developed magical items with indecent effects are unveiled. The monsters of Sabbath can enjoy sampling new items and techniques with their big brother using their bodies right then and there.
After getting warmed up from this, the monsters' eagerly awaited orgy of pleasure begins.
The assembly hall where black mass is held is protected by the baphomet's demonic energy, so the monsters of Sabbath can just focus wholeheartedly on going at it with their big brother, and indulging in pleasure. Since the condensed demonic energy generated by the baphomet and many monsters having sex at the same time permeates the entire assembly hall, the bodies of all the monsters change, becoming even hotter, and even more sensitive to pleasure. Hence, the monsters are able to experience sex with big brother that is far more frenzied and pleasurable than ordinary.
By showing off the indecency of child sex to one another, they reaffirm the wonderfulness of a child's body. Besides that, they like to introduce, or show off and boast their favorite big brother by having everyone watch as they're being violated by him. The insane feast of young flesh continues until morning. Eventually, the monsters become covered in their beloved big brothers semen, outside and inside. They get tired and fall asleep. They breathe happily in their sleep while big brother carries them in his embrace as they leave the assembly hall together.
- Most of the members who comprise Sabbath are witches who were formerly human women who transformed into monsters after receiving the baphomet's demonic energy within their bodies.
Being the baphomets' servants, they all totally adore them, and they're completely brain washed by Sabbath's doctrine. Along with the baphomets, they're responsible for the core of activities.
Other than the witches, there are various other races of monsters who are members. There are monsters who originally have the forms of young children that seek to learn how to seduce men better, or how to have even more enjoyable sex with the men who became their husbands using their childish body, and there are monsters who actually are young children who catch men and have sex while they're still young, becoming a prisoner to the pleasure of their immature body. Some are recruited by other members, and some become entranced with having sex in the form of a child after being transformed by using the “one day lolification elixir” that Baphomet invented. There is no end to the number of individuals who entered the faith for various reasons.
And since all the monsters who enter the faith are permanently transformed into young little girls by Baphomet's “spell of pedomorphosis ,” the monsters who belong to Sabbath are all adorable little girls. Recently Sabbath has been making ties with the fairy kingdom and the dwarves , exchanging technology and information. Many dwarves and fairies participate in Sabbath to acquire sexual techniques for pleasing men using their own bodies. And let us not forget the male acolytes who form the core of Sabbath, along with the witches. They are commonly referred to as “big brother.”
Some of these “big brothers” already found a childish body attractive to begin with, and some of them were enthralled as a result of being assaulted and given a thorough taste of the childish body of a monster from Sabbath. The majority of them are “lolicon” who are brainwashed by the doctrine of Sabbath, adore the baphomets, and love the body of young children beyond all else. Those who aren't can also be found among the ranks of Sabbath, but eventually they will be. The monsters who belong to Sabbath, love their big brother more than anything else. They love being wrapped in the arms of a big brother who is way bigger than themselves and ravished. There is mutual attraction. They love to rape, and be raped.
Since their bodies are way smaller, what they love more than anything else is how much bigger big-brothers stiffy feels when they receive it in their tiny, narrow, childish vaginas. The objective of most of Sabbath's monsters is to find themselves their very own big brother, and spend every single day mutually enjoying indecent pleasure as brother and sister, or rather, husband and wife. Sabbath has an exemplar reputation among the mothers of young monster girls. Parents are pleased that their own cute daughters are catching men and enjoying sex so much while still young. They expect them to grow up to be even more lascivious by putting them in Sabbath.
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| - The Sabbath day is a weekly day that is designated by God, via Ten Commandments. This day is meant to honor God by attending The Temple to engage in worship services. God also designated the day by resting on the seventh day of Creation.
- Sabbath was born in 1740. He studied at Cambridge and worked for the Security Service. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) He was initiated into the Service in 1762 at the age of twenty-one. Sabbath was not supposed to have survived his initiation, but was saved by Octan and the Council of Eight to be used as a counterpoint to the Eighth Doctor. (PROSE: Sometime Never...) Sabbath defected from the Secret Service in 1780. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Shortly after this, Sabbath was contacted by the Council of Eight after a period of almost twenty years since his last encounter with them. The Council of Eight approached Sabbath at St. Cedd's College, and warned him of the impending arrival of the Doctor. (PROSE: Sometime Never...) Sabbath encountered "Leviathan" under the River Thames as part of his indoctrination ceremony into the Service. He set up his own power base independent of the Service. After leaving the Service, Sabbath sent a message via a number of corpses of the Service's "ratcatchers" saying, "leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone". The Doctor chose Sabbath for his best man at his wedding to Scarlette. Sabbath later removed the Doctor's second heart, allegedly to cure the Doctor of an illness caused by the heart's attempt to connect the Doctor to the non-existent Gallifrey, but also allowing Sabbath to travel through time in the Jonah, endowing him with the Doctor's ability to penetrate "deep time" — exploring the universe beyond his home era and planet — that would have been impossible in his more primitive ship otherwise. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Sabbath had agents which were to him the same as companions were to the Doctor. Among them were Juliette Vierge, (PROSE:The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Sasha and Jueves, (PROSE: History 101) Jaxa and Roja, former Time Agents, (PROSE: Trading Futures) and The Angel Maker (aka Elizabeth Kelly). (PROSE: Camera Obscura) Sabbath arranged for the Doctor and the Clock People to meet on a Plutocratic Empire colony planet, manipulating the Doctor's perception of the situation so that he would see the creatures as a threat rather than evacuees. (PROSE: Anachrophobia) He later tricked the Doctor into destroying the System, a mysterious information-gathering program that allegedly contained information about his initiation that should not be made public. (PROSE: History 101) While near death, Sabbath met Death, learning that the Doctor's second heart created a link between the Doctor and Sabbath that prevented the Doctor from dying; even if his chest was virtually crushed, one of his hearts was still beating in Sabbath. After this link resulted in the Angel-Maker sacrificing herself to save the Doctor in the belief that she would also save Sabbath, Sabbath tore out the heart, allowing the Doctor to grow a new one. (PROSE: Camera Obscura) Sabbath was sent by his masters to take actions that would allegedly "collapse" reality into a single manageable timeline, convinced that time-travellers weakened reality by creating new universes every time they went back in time. This plan failed, and instead Sabbath's actions caused every parallel universe to overlap and fight for dominance. (PROSE: Time Zero) Realising that his plans had not worked, Sabbath kidnapped two of the Warlocks of Demigest and planned to use their powers to his advantage. He took the Warlocks in the Jonah to Selonart, where he attempted to become one with the universe due to the unique conditions on the planet. He planned to use the Warlocks to then help him control the universe. Sabbath's plan backfired due to the intervention of the Doctor and Bloom. Sabbath was then taken by the Warlocks back to Demigest where he was kept as their prisoner. The Doctor arrived later and killed the Warlocks, allowing Sabbath to escape. (PROSE: The Infinity Race) Sabbath later assisted Fitz Kreiner, Anji Kapoor and the Doctor when the multiple realities began to converge and mix. (PROSE: The Last Resort) Sabbath was finally killed after turning his back on his employers and helping the Doctor; realising that his employers gained power from predicting future events, and with their plans now dependent on Sabbath killing either the Doctor or the head of the Council, Sabbath instead shot himself, something that the Council "knew" he wouldn't do. (PROSE: Sometime Never...)
- Shabbat is the Hebrew word for Sabbath. It is the seventh day of the week (Friday night into Saturday) and is the day of rest. Shabbat is a sacred (or holy) day for practicing Jews. The Hebrew spelling is שַׁבָּת. The word is pronounced as "shabbat" or "shabbous". Shabbos is an alternative translitteration (English spelling based on phonetics). Shabbat always lasts exactly 24 hours and 56 minutes.
- Sabbath is a term used in the series.
- In the 18th Century, he went to work for the British Secret Service. He was a big guy, muscular as well as fat, who looked exactly like Frank Miller's description of the Kingpin. He interpreted temporal physics as magic and the Time Lords as Elementals, and, because the Doctor had erased Gallifrey and broke science and history , this actually worked.
- The Sabbath or Shabbat was the Judeo/Christian holy day of the week, also known as a day of rest. This day began on Friday at sundown, and lasted until Saturday night. The Muslim faith called this day Friday Prayers. In about 300 CE, most of Christianity changed the occasion to Sunday in order to accommodate Sun worshipers in the Roman Empire. TOS episode & novelization: Friday's Child derives its title from a poem first published in Harper's Weekly denoting predetermined characteristics to children born on the various days of the week.
- Loretta Selk, code name Sabbath, is a supervillain who's been imbued by a dark power. She has a power blast and can teleport. She hangs around Superbad when she isn't working. Lorette Selk sat at the bar, all too aware that her outfit made her look like a hooker trying to work the bar. But she had the look for the ‘seductive villainess’ bit and needed to dress the part. Her handle was ‘Sabbath’, and she was an up-and-coming supervillainess. She’d wanted to call herself ‘Miss Sinister’, but Marvel had beaten her to the punch. And Marvel’s ‘Miss Sinister’ resembled Loretta so closely (well, except for the red diamond on the forehead), that she knew that she didn’t have the ‘Distinctive Likeness’ edge going for her. She’d mauled the artist who created it, but there was no way that she could stop Marvel from making her life a living hell. Like her civilian-job boss didn’t already do that to her. So, she called herself ‘Sabbath’. Dammit, she was a supervillainess! She had been imbued with dark power by an otherworldly patron! WHY was she still crunching numbers for a financial analyst?
- In Christianity, the Sabbath is a weekly religious day of rest as ordained by the fourth of the Ten Commandments. The Hebrew word ("šabbāth", שַׁבָּת) means "the [day] of rest (or ceasing)," as it entails a ceasing or resting from labor. The institution of the Sabbath was in respect for the day during which God rested after having completed the Creation in six days, (Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 23:12, Exodus 31:16-17, Isaiah 56:6-8). Originally denoting Saturday, the seventh day of the week, or, more precisely, the time period from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, the term 'sabbath' can now mean one of several things, depending on the context and the speaker:
* Saturday, as originally, in reference to Jewish or historical observance;
* Saturday, as above, as a day of observance for some Christian groups;
* Sunday, as the day of observance for Roman Catholics and other Christian groups;
* Saturday and Sunday as a day of relaxing; The word is also infrequently used to describe the annual Holy Days observed by several Christian groups, also called High Sabbaths or High Day Sabbaths (John 19:31): the First and Last Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Eighth Day of the Feast.
- The Sabbath is a religion of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world, its two fundamental tenets being to “impart the charm and indecency of tiny young girls” and “be devoted to pleasure like a monster” . Filled with loli supremacist monster girls, the religion is non-theistic, having neither a god nor any real supernatural connection at all. In fact it's one of the most technophilic and research-based organizations in the MGE, as they periodically hold "Black Masses" that are half magi-tech expo, half pedophilic orgy. Under the supervision of the baphomet, the Sabbath's chief adherents are the witches and the familiars, but loli monster girls of any species are welcome. The Sabbath is very organized and aggressive in its missionary outreach work, and maintains branch offices far and wide throughout the world. Much of the daily work of its members involves proselytizing unbelievers (through rape), and also "canvassing, holding periodic assemblies, developing spells and magical items, etc".
- I didn't write a story yesterday. I coded a little, but that's because that's how I get paid. I can code everyday, but I can't write everyday. Four days in a row is the longest stretch it seems. I wrote several stories in three days back in February, but that's still not more than four days. So we have to look deeper. Individual projects. 8. I got to take a bit of a break there on the Wednesday. The fifth day. But besides that, this is also changing the question from the What now? to the simpler What next? I didn't play chess yesterday. I did try out reciting pi. Took too long a break, but nothing the warm up couldn't patch up. Just in no shape to push past 216 at the moment Instead I got drunk and memorized the alphabet backwards. This was a collaborative effort. I was annoyed at 26 being the result of two prime numbers, which meant that it had no other factors (ignoring trivial 1/26. On trivial roots and such: these are what they should introduce to students. Throughout my time of reconstructing on the spot some random equation we were expected to memorize, I'd apply trivial cases as a form of sanity check) So it was suggested to cut off A and Z, because everybody knows those two, which makes me happy because then we have 24 random symbols to memorize. This is a much better number. It's a factor of 12. I like 12. I'd venture to say I like 12 more than powers of two, so long as I'm not coding. I had considered cutting up the digits before Feynmann's point into three blocks 256. This hit me after I noticed I was using a various packing methods for packing blocks of six, followed by packing that in packs of six, which are packed into packs of four. Recursive divison garners much with powers of two So we cut up 24 into 4 groups of 6. There was that fumbling one has when they first run into foreign strings. We hadn't picked up patterns yet. A thing about human minds: they're pattern matchers. They're so bent on finding patterns that they'll warp themselves into thinking there's patterns in random data. Random data cannot be compressed. Patterns are used for compressing data. Therefore, random data has no patterns. But humans don't remember raw data, so their data format is so inefficient that picking up on local occurrences of patterns proves suitable. Similar point: humans remember strings with a large alphabet more efficiently than a similar bit length but respectively longer string with a smaller alphabet. Which is another reason for base 12. Multiplication would be faster with a multiplication table that's 144 large and smaller number of digits. They already press for children to learn up to 12x12 We decided to take another page out of my memorizing book and split the groups of six up again. Going over the groups, it was found that all the groups were best split as 3/3. We thought twice on the last one, but decided there was no point in breaking the pattern. At this point, it seems that last split couldn't've been split any other way. I've warped my mind that little bit more to think DCB and GFE are so obviously regular that it's a miracle they appear in the backwards alphabet There is a little confusion though. I made the mistake of associating SRQ with SQR. SQR is the common name for the squaring function. This means I have to always check myself and make sure I say SRQ rather than SQR. I should've never made the association. While programming, SRQ should mean nothing. While reciting the alphabet backwards, SQR should mean nothing At this point it seems the recital is firm enough, having been recited after a period of sleep. It still lacks a proper jingle, but I'm not much for such flares Before memorizing the reversed alphabet, the last thing I'd memorized was my new debit card's number. It's a nice number. I hadn't memorized my previous card, so I wasn't able to recite it when saying I'd lost my card. Instead I had to recite my previous home's address, phone number, postal code, and my student number. I've never really had to apply my previous home's postal code, yet I somehow became the reference for it after picking through the paper waste basket. Garbages should be called waste baskets There's 750 words about what I really should avoid writing about. There's much more that needs writing about. Like this chess set where the white pieces are gimped because one of the knights has jaundice and the king's missing his crown and the bishop's lost his head. They've applied these troubles, which do not apply to chess, to warrant always having the first move in the game. It doesn't matter who's playing whom; the white pieces always move first Also the king's got orange ooze. It dares one to elect black. To take the just cause of ooze slaying What I like about that is that it doesn't cast the observer, who happens to also be the analyst. It's also not mine. It's something I've picked up from others. I've been observing the sources of my humor, my language, my thoughts I've begun to tell jokes with the air of my father. Who'd've thought it'd take getting away for that to happen Here's a quote on my own influences flight: Well, I now write how I speak, not so eloquent is it? That's nice A strange thing: picking up language in reaction to someone else, but without their own use causing the creation. I've been taking up Go for it. Also That's nice. Something that's resurfaced: That's too bad The last idiom was pointed out before its resurfacing in a decline to write a chapter of 8. The word invitation was on the tip of the tongue, thus being referred to as offer/request What a pair. Such dualistic contradictions being bound together is what fantasy dreams it could do without being so cliché I collect words. Here's some words on cliché: I'm alright with being my own cliche That doesn't even make sense. Whatever. Similar point: all adolescents are stereotypical because there's so many adolescent stereotypes Stereotypes exist for a reason. That's a line I picked up from an old friend. My own permutation: I don't believe in stereotypes, but I believe in demographics I applied the original form in a page I wrote titled anawfulthingisbetterthannothing. It was awful. Most didn't realize the jestful nature. It's nice when someone can laugh with you at themselves. It's not mutually exclusive Here's the clincher: 9 lives took me a few days to write. 3rd Try was similar in nature. I could go further, but it'd become drab. Point is that these are way too easy to write long compared to those shorter pops of words which have not already been thought. Though If this isn't nice, what is? did get to have the idea fleshed out the day before. I mayn't've written it if I hadn't tried telling it aloud first. Here's to a case where positive feedback isn't getting flamed by me I've been spotted: You're writing Sambucca when writing. Amaro when coding See? Regression is a hard climb. Writing too much about too little. Back to something nice: There shall not be an ending for something that shall always begin Now there's the thing that makes me wonder what kind of foresight I might have thrown. One of those moments which might align with Camus's concept that we only get a chance to prove our convictions through death Deadman switch. Open hand. That's really the fault here: openly admits to all those dirty little secrets we keeped tucked under our pillows to help us sleep. I don't have a pillow Alright, alright, everything must end. Moments never last. So, back to back to something nice: