| - Ax and the Animorphs have always believed Ax was the only non-infested Andalite on Earth. That he alone survived the terrible battle between his people and the Yeerks. Until Now. There were other survivors. Other Andalites. And they're here on Earth. Trying to keep a low profile. Trying to find a way to defeat Visser Three. Trying -- like Ax and the Animorphs -- to stay alive until help finally comes. If help finally comes...
- The Other was Thanos' personal servant. He provided Loki with the Chitauri army in an attempt to conquer the Earth and claim the Tesseract. In the wake of the failed Chitauri Invasion, the Other continued to serve Thanos and held frequent arguments with his new warrior, Ronan the Accuser until, in a fit of rage, Ronan killed the Other with his Cosmi-Rod by snapping his neck.
- Harry Potter: Harry's twin brother is the boy who lived. Harry/Ginny
- <default>The Other</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher The Other ist der Sprecher und Diener von Thanos.
- The Other is the ostensibly undisputed villain and common foe of the protagonists of the main Girl Genius narrative. However, the precise nature of the Other is unknown, so "the Other" is little more than a synonym for what is called in another forum "the Big Bad". Many of the antagonists in the Girl Genius narrative are allied with the Other—some by choice, but most by coercion of one kind or another. One of the great mysteries of Girl Genius is who or what the Other is. Evidence suggests that the Other may be a person or that it may be an entity capable of possessing a person.
- A concept about something that is (reportedly) not you. Variously defined by philosophers and commoners.
- The Other was a servant of Thanos who provided Loki with the Chitauri and scepter.
- The Other is a mysterious character, even more mysterious than The Fan. Although the character is gender fluid, they typically identify as male. It is unknown what his relationship to The Fan and The Enemy is, but it is speculated that he is the third brother. He rules over The Wasteland in Fantendo Wasteland.
- The Other was influential during the Dark Times on Gallifrey after the cult of Pythia had ended. He and the Hand of Omega shared some sort of a bond. As Rassilon's rule moved closer to despotism and Gallifrey's borders were sealed, the Other attempted to escape the planet by hurling himself into the Looms to await his eventual reconstitution. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)
- Rassilon (Assilon? Bassillon - ah ha!) invented Time Lord society and Omega invented Time Lord technology while The Other invented being a vague ambiguous cunt. He's totally not the Doctor, you guys.
- Rexus (who would later be known as The Other) was born on the planet Bardor millennia ago (at this time dinosaurs roamed Earth but there were human like aliens on Bardor and other planets) . His father was a Bardorian scientist named Alpha. Alpha traveled across space studying other planets scenery, animals, and plants. He didn't see his father often but his mother Terra took care of him while Alpha was in space. As a child Rexus was often harassed by other children for having a father who traveled in space all the time and hardly ever saw him. Rexus was close friends with Rassil Onasti Prydonius (Who would later be known as Rassilon) and Peylix (who would later be known as Omega). He grew up with Peylix and Rassil. They studied politics, math, history, science, and physics together at The
- The Other is a being that inhabits the Macroverse. In the novel, It by Stephen King, the creature named It claims that The Other is the superior being in the Macroverse and although It and The Turtle are in eternal conflict, The Other is safe from this.