| - The story begins with Cinderella wishing to have a better life, away from her evil stepsisters. A bunch of gnomes decide to help Cinderella by making her a car that she can travel in. They use various things around the forest. They then put it though the "modernizer" and it comes out as a new Chevrolet. Cinderella meets her young prince, but has to leave him when the clock turns to midnight. Meanwhile, the head dwarf has to stop the wicked witch, hired by the evil stepsisters, ruining Cinderella's chance of getting married to the prince. Finally, it's a Chevrolet that helps Cinderella get her prince. A king offers his daughter's hand in marriage to the wealthiest suitor in the kingdom. She is wooed by the despicable wizard Ali Kazam, but falls for a pauper boy with a yo-yo. The boy is kicked out of the palace by the king's men, whereupon the diminutive magical creature Nicky Nome appears to help him, giving him a flying carpet to travel to a valley of jewels. When Ali Kazam attacks on a vulture, Nicky gradually transforms the carpet into a Chevrolet motor car and the villain is defeated.