| - Baron Venar was a male Human noble of Alderaan living during the Cold War. Hiding in a secret hideout in the Alsakan Lowlands, he was blackmailed by Risha Drayen who possessed unfavorable holorecordings of his vacation on Nar Shaddaa. She send Captain Voidhound to barter those holos in exchange for access to a House Thul spaceport during the chase for Skavak.
- One of the magical races, the Venar's consciousness exists completely outside of time in order to be able to see all events simultaneously, although they have not always possessed this power. They see possible pasts and futures as well as the actual events, although their vision is obscured by a "veil" beyond which they cannot see. This "veil" is caused by the Vanguard's tampering with the Balance and created by Chaos, and is presumably removed when Gordon Halloway takes his place as the 13th Guardian.
- The Venar were a near-Human species known for their unusually dark skin, glowing purple eyes, and claws which covered in a metallic substance which was similar to that of cortosis, which possessed the same qualities as that rare metal. Their hair was typically black, though turned white with age, a sign of wisdom by the Venar. However, given the radiation of their homeworld, it was never able to grow to length, forcing the Venar to wear their short and spiky. Their skin were thick and durable, and capable of withstand certain cuts and bruises. Physically speaking, they were confirmed to have been an off-shoot of humanity. They were three times stronger than the average human, and typically stood 1.8 to 2.3 meters. They had a prehensil tongue that was one meter in length, and strong enough
| - One of the magical races, the Venar's consciousness exists completely outside of time in order to be able to see all events simultaneously, although they have not always possessed this power. They see possible pasts and futures as well as the actual events, although their vision is obscured by a "veil" beyond which they cannot see. This "veil" is caused by the Vanguard's tampering with the Balance and created by Chaos, and is presumably removed when Gordon Halloway takes his place as the 13th Guardian. Although rare, the Venar can be found in a variety of places. While at the time of TLJ Abnaxus makes his home in the Marcurian City Green, he tells April that he is from north of the Border Mountains, and his wife is from the Bay of Fire. Vestrum Tobias also mentions rumor of a Venar Ring of Trees (the name of a Venar settlement) in Riverwood. It is never clearly spelled out, but the Venar obviously have a close kinship with trees. Abnaxus' home, though made of stone, is shaped like a tree, and his hands bear a resemblance to tree branches; as well as this the Venar Stone is in the image of a tree. The Scriptures of the Balance call them 'the watchers of the woods; the ones who are outside'; the Venar may feel akin to trees because of their similar longevity and unchanging nature once fully grown. It is almost reminiscent of the Ents from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books, whose long lives give them a rather relaxed view of time. The Venar are represented on the Ayrede Council by Abnaxus who, alone among his people, can focus his attention on a single linear thread of time, and can thus converse with humans and Dolmari. They rarely associate with other races, because their perception of time gives them knowledge which can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The Venar have a prophecy that a saviour will come, "One who will bring order to Chaos, only to release Chaos on the innocent. One who will restore the Balance, only to finally break it." They call this being the Kan-ang-la, or "the small seed who grew to a tall tree". The Venar have their own language, of which only the word Kan-ang-la is given. Abnaxus is able to speak Na'ven. While it is never specified, it can be assumed that a tense-less language would make much more sense for them. Another speculation we can make is that all of their proper names begin with the prefix Ab-, although it could just be a family prefix.
- Baron Venar was a male Human noble of Alderaan living during the Cold War. Hiding in a secret hideout in the Alsakan Lowlands, he was blackmailed by Risha Drayen who possessed unfavorable holorecordings of his vacation on Nar Shaddaa. She send Captain Voidhound to barter those holos in exchange for access to a House Thul spaceport during the chase for Skavak.
- The Venar were a near-Human species known for their unusually dark skin, glowing purple eyes, and claws which covered in a metallic substance which was similar to that of cortosis, which possessed the same qualities as that rare metal. Their hair was typically black, though turned white with age, a sign of wisdom by the Venar. However, given the radiation of their homeworld, it was never able to grow to length, forcing the Venar to wear their short and spiky. Their skin were thick and durable, and capable of withstand certain cuts and bruises. Physically speaking, they were confirmed to have been an off-shoot of humanity. They were three times stronger than the average human, and typically stood 1.8 to 2.3 meters. They had a prehensil tongue that was one meter in length, and strong enough to break a neck. Xenobiologists believed the Venar's lean, physically-fit figure was the result of their advanced metabolism, which prevent the obesity that was commonly found in other humanoid species. Their metallic skeletal system allowed for the Venar to grow far taller than normal, supporting the extra weight that came along with it. Also, they possessed razor-sharp teeth made of the same metallic substance, allowing them to chew through an unarmored limb with relative ease. The Venar were believed to have been the desendants of a human sleeper ship that landed on Venara arund 28,000 BBY. How they managed to end up in an isolated region of the galaxy was unknown to researchers, though it was believed that the enviornment of their homeworld had a hand in their genetic development as a species. Reproductive-wise, the Venar did not reproduce sexually like their human cousins, though they could with other humanoid races, though it would only end with the birth of a member of the non-Venar mate's species. Unlike humans, both sexes of the Venar could reproduce, though only with the aid of a member of the opposite sex. The Venar reproduced using a parasitic creature that carried the genetic information of the Venar from a special organ found only in the Venar, into that of another. After four to five months, the offspring was born exiting through an opening in the stomach where the parent's stomach could open to allowing the hild to leave. The Venar method of reproduction was compatible with that of other race, but since only the Venar could open their stomach safely, it would ultimately result in the death of the non-Venar carrier, where the child would simply make an exit out of their parent. The Venar were different in another aspect from humans in that they generated little in the way of waste, excreting in the form of a pungent, oily sweat that had a variety of properties. The most apparent benefits were that the sweat appeared to be heat and radiation-retardant to a degree, and had antibiotic properties and could cause a poorly-aimed blow to slide clear, a further development on their already protective skin. It was believed that the Venar could see deep into the infrared end of the spectrum, and could sense the body heat of antoher person or animal. Their sensory glands were far stronger than a human's, and allowed them to serve as superb trackers and scouts, and made it quite difficult to sneak up on them. These abilities undoubtedly provided the Venar with a crucial edge on their hostile homeworld. They were emotionally mature at birth, which went hand-in-hand with their fastest growth rate. The Venar were long-lived by human standards, living for a period of 350 standard years on average. By ten years of age, a Venar was considered an adult, equal to that of a twenty year old human. They were considered young adults between 10-99, in their prime between 100-249, middle-aged between ages 250-299, and elderly from 300-349, at which point they were considered venerable at age 350. They possessed a lower senescence rate than most humanoids, meaning they did not age physically as a human world. While a human of 60-70 years would show their age on their body, a Venar did not lose their physical youth as they aged. Their age would only begin to show upon reaching their twilight years, but only just.