| - There are several useful files in the \The Witcher 2\CookedPC folder such as "en0.w2strings, fr0.w2strings, zh0.w2strings, de0.w2strings..." these files contain all of the text, journal, dialogue, quest, character, attribute, skill entries. The first 2 letters of the filenames indicate the language version. To extract the information, first off use Gibbed Red Tools to decode them then view/edit them with a .xml editor such as Notepad++. It's easy, but the file structure is a little different than a simple .xml file.
| - There are several useful files in the \The Witcher 2\CookedPC folder such as "en0.w2strings, fr0.w2strings, zh0.w2strings, de0.w2strings..." these files contain all of the text, journal, dialogue, quest, character, attribute, skill entries. The first 2 letters of the filenames indicate the language version. To extract the information, first off use Gibbed Red Tools to decode them then view/edit them with a .xml editor such as Notepad++. It's easy, but the file structure is a little different than a simple .xml file. For images, the extracted files are mostly in the globals\gui\icons\items folder, in .dds format, so a program which can open this format and convert them to .png is useful. One such free program is GIMP.