| - (BUSTED is sung from the season 1 song "Busted" by Vanessa and Candace)
* Phineas: For..?
* Candace: (starts walking towards them, and takes out her phone) Building a portal to...?
* Ferb: Uh-Oh.
* Phineas: Guys, we have a problem.
* Future Phineas: I can't believe that I didn't see that you had a crush on me! You know, looking back, I actually see you did.
* Isabella, Future Isabella: REALLY!? (they look at each other and giggle)
* Future Phineas: Yeah, I remember when me and Ferb made the Summer All the Time Collection! You made a decoration of my face and hearts in a red fabric. Ahhh, that was the times!
* Izzy: So, you're my mom, from when she was a kid?
* Isabella: Yep!
* Izzy: Cool!
* Future Isabella: You know, Izzy here is a Fireside Gir
| - (BUSTED is sung from the season 1 song "Busted" by Vanessa and Candace)
* Phineas: For..?
* Candace: (starts walking towards them, and takes out her phone) Building a portal to...?
* Ferb: Uh-Oh.
* Phineas: Guys, we have a problem.
* Future Phineas: I can't believe that I didn't see that you had a crush on me! You know, looking back, I actually see you did.
* Isabella, Future Isabella: REALLY!? (they look at each other and giggle)
* Future Phineas: Yeah, I remember when me and Ferb made the Summer All the Time Collection! You made a decoration of my face and hearts in a red fabric. Ahhh, that was the times!
* Izzy: So, you're my mom, from when she was a kid?
* Isabella: Yep!
* Izzy: Cool!
* Future Isabella: You know, Izzy here is a Fireside Girl!
* Izzy: Yep! And the leader of troop 86495!
* Isabella: She sounds like me, and Melissa... and Candace. Hey, where's Future Candace?
* Future Phineas: Candace's house is right on this street actually! You think we should pop in and surprise them?
* Isabella, Future Isabella: I don't think that... (giggles)
* Isabella: I don't think that it will be a good idea if they see me, you know Candace. She'd probably bring me to your mom. And consider you to be busted in the future.
* Future Phineas: Actually, she's gotten over that phase in her life.
* Isabella: What is Candace's family like?
* Future Isabella: Well, she's married to Jeremy..
* Future Phineas: Obviously,
* Future Isabella: has three kids: Xavier, Fred and Amanda. And has a pet platypus named Patricia.
* Isabella: Wow, cool! I-(phone ringing) hold on (answers her call).
* Phineas (on phone): Hey Isabella, we just wanted to inform you that we are going to have to leave you in the future for a while.
* Isabella (on phone): Why?
* Phineas (on phone): Because the portal closed, and now we need to fix it.
* Isabella (on phone): It's OK. I found me and you in the future, and I'm going to see Candace!
* Phineas (on phone): Great!
* Isabella: I guess I'm stuck here a while.
* Future Isabella: Great! You'll get to meet more of your friends in the future.
* Future Candace: Hey guys!!
* Future Phineas: Hey Candace! I've got someone to show you!
* Future Candace: Wow, you're Isabella from the past.
* Future Candace: Hey kids!! Want to meet aunt Isabella as a kid!?
* Fred: Hey, I'm Fred,
* Xavier: I'm Xavier,
* Amanda: and I'm Amanda. So, you're Aunt Isabella as a kid?
* Isabella: Yep! How'ya doin'?
* Amanda: I'm good! But... aren't you a little too young to be our aunt?
* Isabella: ...No, I don't think so.
* Future Jeremy: Hey guys! What's up?
* Isabella: Me!
* Future Jeremy: Isabella!? No way!
* Professor Poofenplotz: OK, here are the locators.
* Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Now, Perry the Platypus..
* Professor Poofenplotz: and Pinky the Chiuaua,
* Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Get ready to see an alternate dimension... but to be on the safe side....
* Professor Poofenplotz: What do you mean, 'the safe side'?
* Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Well (heh, heh) the activation of this machine could result in.. um, tearing apart the Time-Space Continuum.
* Professor Poofenplotz: WHAT!? You never decided to tell me before we started this?
* Dr. Doofenshmirtz: It's a small price to pay for dominating the Tri-State Area of a second dimension, no?
* Phineas: Perry! We have to help him! I think that Dr. Doofenshmirtz just...
* Buford: OK, I'm confused, what just happened?
* Baljeet-2: That wave you have just examined is a splice in the Time-Space Continuum. You and your friends should remember all the events that you have forgotten in the time of 3 months.
* Buford: Maybe that's how I remember the Perry-Badminton game.
* Baljeet-2: Yep.
* Buford: Can you start the show, i want to know what happens next.
* Phineas: Perry! We have to help him! He'll be in D.E.I.
* Ferb: What about Isabella?
* Phineas: Isabella? Yeah, (Phineas blushes) we have to save her first!
* Isabella (auto voice): Hi! You can leave me a message right after the (beep).
* Phineas (on phone): Isabella the portal's open! Jump through when you get this message. --- >45 MINUTES LATER<---