The New Galactic Empire, also known as the New Empire, was the imperial faction created by the ambitious Havelock Pahmus in 12.5 ABY, and is currently the most powerful government in the galaxy. Following the fracturing of the galaxy into countless warring factions due the collapse of the Empire, the New Empire expanded swiftly, led by the charismatic and cunning Admiral Pahmus. The New Empire fought Imperial warlords, the Remnant and the New Republic for territory, resources and political status, and it's enemies watched as it grew from nuisance to nemesis, finally becoming the primary galactic government with the conquest of Coruscant in 25 ABY.
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| - New Galactic Empire (Darth Samash)
| - The New Galactic Empire, also known as the New Empire, was the imperial faction created by the ambitious Havelock Pahmus in 12.5 ABY, and is currently the most powerful government in the galaxy. Following the fracturing of the galaxy into countless warring factions due the collapse of the Empire, the New Empire expanded swiftly, led by the charismatic and cunning Admiral Pahmus. The New Empire fought Imperial warlords, the Remnant and the New Republic for territory, resources and political status, and it's enemies watched as it grew from nuisance to nemesis, finally becoming the primary galactic government with the conquest of Coruscant in 25 ABY.
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| - The New Galactic Empire, also known as the New Empire, was the imperial faction created by the ambitious Havelock Pahmus in 12.5 ABY, and is currently the most powerful government in the galaxy. Following the fracturing of the galaxy into countless warring factions due the collapse of the Empire, the New Empire expanded swiftly, led by the charismatic and cunning Admiral Pahmus. The New Empire fought Imperial warlords, the Remnant and the New Republic for territory, resources and political status, and it's enemies watched as it grew from nuisance to nemesis, finally becoming the primary galactic government with the conquest of Coruscant in 25 ABY.
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