| - Griffon is a type of monster in ADOM. They are quite uncommon monsters, that have no particularly notable features.
- |-| English =
- The Griffon is a Greek myth unit in Age of Mythology which was cut from the original game but was later added with the Tale of the Dragon expansion.
- Griffons (sometimes also spelled Griffin) are large beasts walking on 4 legs, with the beak of a bird of prey, the wings and the long tail of a reptile.
- General Griffon was a planned general that was cut from final version of Generals. He was to have been implemented as the American Air Force General, alongside fellow (also cut) generals Bradley and Thorn. Griffon was however later recycled as General Malcolm Granger for the release version of Zero Hour.
- El Griffon es muy denostado por los comandantes militares imperiales, ya que su armamento carece del rango y potencia de fuego en comparación con las piezas de artillería pesados y carros de combate. El Grifón se está extinguiendo lentamente como unidad de primera línea a medida que se sustituyen cada vez menos después de haberse perdido en una batalla y que su tasa de fabricación entre los Mundos Forja está disminuyendo de manera constante.
- A Gryphon has the head, wings and front legs of an eagle, but the rear half of a lion, and sometimes horns. This gives them a majestic appearance, but they are vicious predators.
- A griffon was an intelligent beast with the body of a lion and the wings, forelegs, and head of an eagle. Griffons were majestic magical beasts that combine the features of eagles and lions. These creatures were often used as heraldry symbols and mounts by skilled knights.
- Griffon ist ein Ghul aus dem Geschichtsmuseum, der erst mit dem Add-On Broken Steel erscheint.
- Griffins, are flying friends. They are part lion, part eagle, and will never stop at anything to get it's prey. They will eat horeses, their riders, and anything else on the hores without hesitation. Monster at Wikia
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- A "parasite" (meaning it's carried under another aircraft) fighter designed by Doc after the Saturdays' defeat in their first dog fight with Argost. It is able to (barely) leave the Earth's atmosphere as shown in "The Unblinking Eye".
- Le comte Griffon est un chien anthropomorphe de l'univers de Mickey Mouse.
- Lydia's apartment had griffon-footed furniture. The pauldrons on the Winged One Guards have images of griffons. The Gryphs are a griffon-like race, lead by King Gryph.
- The griffin is a mythological creature that has the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
- Griffons are partially humanoid avian beasts that act as regular enemies on Winterhorn Ridge.
- Griffon (グリフォン) is a character in Twinkle Star Sprites. His friends, Evan (エヴィン) and Burn (バーン), are his loyal admirers.
- Griffon is the eldest and most loyal of Mundus' servants. Even though his combat abilities are outdated and rusty and he knows his chances against Dante are slim he is still willing to fight him out of loyalty to Mundus.
- El Griffon es uno de los jefe en Prince of Persia: El Alma del Guerrero, visto en la "Isla del Tiempo".
- The Griffon is a type of terran starfighter used by Mira's Marauders and the Kel-Morian Combine. They are controlled by an AI.
- Griffon es un Bakugan similar a un león con una serpiente de cola y alas. Apareció por primera vez en el episodio 3 junto con Siege y Robotallion.
- Griffon war ein General unter dem Dämonenkönig Mundus. Er kämpfte bis vor 2000 Jahren an der Seite von Sparda, bis dieser die Seiten wechselte.
- Dans The Burning Crusade, des Griffons pourront servir de monture volante en Outreterre pour les membres de l'Alliance. Note: Griffon est parfois orthographié Gryphon. Catégorie:Bête Catégorie:Monture
- 'Griffon' (グリフォン Gurifon) is a chimera-like Bakugan. He has a lion's fore body and a snake as a tail. Its hind legs are like a goat's and are scaled. It has a pair of huge bat-like wings.
- The Awakened Griffon (Alatusleo aquila) very much resembles its mythical counterpart, with a large feline body, powerful avian wings, sharpened front talons for forelimbs and a raptor's beaked head.Related Species
The Asian griffon (Alatusleo serpens) is more reptilian in appearance, with a scaled head and neck and membraned spines running down its back. The False griffon (Opinicus falciform) appears very similar to the common griffon, except it lacks wings.
- Full name Class Nationality First appearanceArrows of the Queen Herald Griffon was one of Talia's yearmates at the Collegium. His Companion is Harevis. A tall, somber, young man, he was instrumental in the battle with Hardorn and later became Herald to the Lord Marshal.
- A Griffon's young is called a Griffo, and emerges from an egg. Although they are much less developed than adults, they will still defend themselves if attacked.
- Griffon (französisch für Greif) ist ein Bakugan dessen Aussehen einem Greif nachempfunden ist. Es erschien zuerst in Folge 3 zusammen mit der Belagerung und Robotallion. In Folge 11 verwendet Runo Misaki eine Fähigkeit die Griffon zu Tigrerra verwandelt.
- KreaturGriffon 44px | Typ Rang Klasse Ähnliche Fähigkeiten Gebiete Quests Auftritte Griffons sind riesige fliegende Kreaturen mit den Körpern eines Löwen und den Köpfen, Flügeln und Klauen eines Adlers. Sie sind während des Stürmischen Zeitalters ausgestorben.
- Griffon es un pájaro demoníaco y sirviente de Mundus. Tiene el poder de controlar el viento y los relámpagos. Es un jefe que se repite en Devil May Cry, y aparece por primera vez en el jardín del castillo después de que Dante adquiere los guantes de Ifrit. A continuación, se enfrenta a Dante a bordo de la nave de las almas. Finalmente, lucha contra Dante en el interior del Coliseo. Cuando es derrotado, le pide ayuda Mundus para derrotar a Dante de una vez por todas. Mundus responde sin piedad, matándolo de forma grotesca ante los ojos de Dante.
- The most prized of animal captures, griffons are not only formidable fighters, but their ability to fly may make them the best early explorers in the game.
- Griffon is a ghoul resident of the Underworld operating as a conman in the Museum of History in 2277.
- The Griffon is a creature of Chaos - a powerful winged hunter, combining the natures of a lion and an eagle. Many of these creatures still wander into the Old World from the North Polar regions, often accompanied by bands of Beastmen or Warriors Of Chaos. Others have made permanent homes in the Old World, establishing colonies and living, to all intents and purposes, as native animals. In combat, they get four attacks per round: one bite and two claws to the front and one kick/stomp to the rear only.
- His real name is Sirus, which was given to him by Alexandra, the Queen of Moonflower Palace. During an attack by unmentioned enemies, Alexandra ordered him to flee and leave her to die with her kingdom. After succumbing to his sorrow and hatred toward humans for taking everything away from him, he created the Dark Element, which in turn, possessed him. Sirus` normal form is a Moon person, so he looks like a rabbit. When he steals Max and Monica's Atlamillia, he turns into the true Emperor Griffon. He uses roses as projectiles during the first ecounter - after that he relies on the Atlamillia, magic fire projectiles, and shockwaves.
- Disputes surrounding the use of the Griffon in the workplace have often revealed deeper-running tensions between employers and employees, and the issue of Griffons and Dress-Codes has often been said to be little more than a flashpoint issue. Some wearers of Griffons, however (notably in The Bronx) take the wearing of their cardboard suit-alternatives very seriously: there have been known to be secret underground societies for the promotion of peaceful Griffon wearing, as well as appreciation clubs, and saturday afternoon cake-making sessions attended by Griffon wearers and appreciators alike.
- Griffons, sometimes known as "aerials," were giant flying creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads, wings, and talons of eagles. They became extinct during the Exalted Age.
- The Griffon is much maligned by Imperial military commanders because its weapon lacks in range and firepower compared to the heavier artillery pieces and main battle tanks. The Griffon is slowly becoming extinct as a frontline unit as less and less are replaced after being lost during a battle and its manufacturing rate amongst the Imperial Forge Worlds is steadily declining.
- They are voracious predators, flying out for miles to hunt from their mountain lairs. Griffons them swoop down on their prey, screaming war cries as they come. The cry of a Griffon is often enough to send enemies running. For the Griffon, this is an ideal situation as it prefers its meals on the run, and alive. They then continue to attack until no opponent is left moving. Survivors of Griffon attacks often have dreams of being hunted down and rent limb from limb for years afterward. Despite being large and monstrous creatures, Griffons have reputations as noble beasts. This is in part due to their proud and regal bearing – Griffons are not ravenous and frenetic like Manticores. Instead a Griffon strikes with swift and precise grace, its motion poised and controlled. Yet this elegance in n
- Hit Dice: 7d10+21 (59 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 80 ft. (average) Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15 Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+4) Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d6+4) and 2 claws +8 melee (1d4+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Pounce, rake 1d6+2 Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8 Skills: Jump +8, Listen +6, Spot +10 Feats: Iron Will, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (bite) Environment: Temperate hills
- thumb|450px Le griffon ressemble à une combinaison de chat féroce et d'oiseau géant. Il habite généralement les highlands et construit ses nids sur des sommets de montagnes inaccessibles. Le griffon se nourrit de grands mammifères et, étant une créature très territoriale, défend farouchement ses terrains de chasse.
- Griffon was a robot that competed in Series 2 and 3 of Robot Wars. It did not enjoy great success in the main series, being eliminated at the Gauntlet stage in Series 2 and in the second round in Series 3 after being pushed into the pit by Cerberus in the space of ten seconds. However, it won the Internet Insurrection grudge match in Series 2 after turning Sergeant Bash over with its lifting arm.