| - Full Name: Ginger Foutley Alias: Ging, Sis and Foutley Gender: Female Age: 12-14 and somewhere in her mid-30's Skills: Writing creativty and song writing Personilty: Kind, friendly, caring, mature, smart, responsible, independent, beautiful, opinionated, headstorng, and wonderful Friends: Dodie Bishop, Macie Lightfoot, Darren Patterson, and Nice Ms. Zorski. Love Interests: Darren Patterson (True Love) and Orion (Ex-Boyfreind). Enemies: Courtney Gripling (Sometimes), Miranada, Mipsy, Simone and Evil Ms. Zorski. Goal: To have a good future and still be with her best friends
| - Full Name: Ginger Foutley Alias: Ging, Sis and Foutley Gender: Female Age: 12-14 and somewhere in her mid-30's Skills: Writing creativty and song writing Personilty: Kind, friendly, caring, mature, smart, responsible, independent, beautiful, opinionated, headstorng, and wonderful Family: Louse Foutley (Mother), Jonas Foutley (Father), Carl Foutley(Brother), Grandma Foutley (Grandmother, Deceased), Dr. David Dave (Step-Father), Darren Patterson (Future Husband), Un-Named Patterson (Future Daughter), Mr.Patterson (Future Father-In-Law), Mrs.Patterson (Future Mother-In-Law), and William "Will" Patterson (Future Brother-In-Law) Friends: Dodie Bishop, Macie Lightfoot, Darren Patterson, and Nice Ms. Zorski. Love Interests: Darren Patterson (True Love) and Orion (Ex-Boyfreind). Enemies: Courtney Gripling (Sometimes), Miranada, Mipsy, Simone and Evil Ms. Zorski. Goal: To have a good future and still be with her best friends Fate: Is a succesful writer, happily married to Darren with an infant daughter and still being with her friends.