| - 666 is also 999 up-side-down. That's why so many people believed that the world would end in 1999, those superstitious pricks...World will really end in June 6/2006. Oh wait, crap, that didn't happen either. Well, maybe it will end in 2066. Or 2666. Or 3666. Or 6666.Or 2012. (You know, because 6 + 6 = 12. Oh wait, crap, that didn't happen either. Add 14 to the last 6, and that makes 20). Or it might be that the British emergency services (dial 999) are pawns of the Antichrist. Right... It all makes so much sense now.
- 666 is the natural number which precedes 667 and follows 665. In many Human cultures on Earth there are a number of superstitions regarding the number 666, and the number is considered by some to be a source of bad luck. The Furies are a collection of 666 races that make up their collective, which they refer to as the Host. (VOY - Invasion! novel: The Final Fury)
- 666 Kategori:Tekrarlanan konular
- 666是665與667之間的自然數。在太鼓之達人系列中,部份歌曲的最大連段數是666。 666是過去太鼓系列極限連段數999的2/3倍。
- Le nombre 666 est un nombre interdit, d'aucuns disent que c'est le numéro de téléphone d'un être qui est encore en phase bêta (On l'appelle alors la bête), d'autres disent que c'est un numéro de code d'une race inhumaine (anti-humaine) secrète qu'on appelle toujours LA BÊTE.
- uberwerfinn schlaerkiolin gesundheit inderchgingging werblaggunartci aidopolycnu wichding lobloblob Plaghnerat, enk loggidan. crerkile. woobschloopsda enk andervertin. woobwoob CRAAAAC HAAA gengleng schlok... whabbangajang? isnott. djalekmeut? idlonken. 666, enk werfin querty.
- The "Number of the Beast", 666, is of profound mystical and mathematical significance and is most famous for its appearance in the New Testament Book of Revelation, 13:18: "Here is wisdom: Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is six-hundred threescore and six." The number appears a total of four times in the Bible, however, the other three of which are in the Old Testament; two of these, in turn, say effectively the same thing. Only in Revelation does one find an explicitly negative association.
- Ben kills Nathan and Natalie before they can harm Barnabas. In the present Willie and Julia wait for Barnabas to return, however he never does. Willie checks the mausoleum but Barnabas is not in the coffin; shortly after Willie leaves the chains re-appear around the coffin and Barnabas is trapped inside. Josette appears to Willie, crying; he is convinced that Barnabas is in the coffin now.
- 666 is a symbol that many people similar to Bacon worship, called Baconists. It was first introduced 8 seconds ago by Wie O. Wy O. Wi (a person similar to bacon), and spread around the world by the time a second went by. The core meaning of this word is actually a good omen that can sometimes be sought out by the snap of a finger.
- El seiscientos sesenta y séis (666) es el número natural que sigue al 665 y precede al 667. Categoría:Números
- 666 is currently symbolizing many other things, such as the amount of YouTube videos alive, the amount of demons that live outside of Hell, and the amount of bullies in an average Murican school.
- Ένας αριθμός που αναφέρεται στην Αποκάλυψη του Ιωάννου και έδωσε την αφορμή στους απανταχού αποκρυφιστές, συνωμοσιολόγους και φανατικούς θρησκόληπτους να πλάσουν φανταστικές ιστορίες περί της έλευσης του Αντίχριστου.
- 666 is an Japanese-based wrestling promotion that was founded in 2003 by Onryo and Crazy SKB. It is based out of Tokyo, Japan.
- 666 — достаточно необычное число. Теоретически (как сказано в сказании «О деяниях Аццкого Сотоны») это число было придумано Им Же. Если его перевернуть верх ногами, то получится 999; единственное, что их объединяет— это число три.
- __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png File:666 (Earth-22).jpg
- 666 is a villain from the DC comics - his name is inspired by the Satanic symbol.
- [Źródło] 666666 (zwany również Szatańskim Droidem) - droid typu Magna Guard pracujący dla Generała Grievousa
- Während Lars von seinen eigenen Gefühlen überfordert ist, bekommt Deniz zunehmend Skrupel, Stella zu hintergehen. Doch seine Eifersucht ist stärker. Als Jenny ihre Intrige gegen Stella startet, hat Lars einen schrecklichen Verdacht. Simone entscheidet sich, die Therapie mit Vanessa durchzuziehen, weil sie Hoffnung auf einen Neuanfang hat. Doch Simone ist irritiert, als sie die freundschaftliche Nähe zwischen Vanessa und Celine wahrnimmt. Lena und Mike versöhnen sich nach Mikes Eingeständnis. Doch Mike fällt es schwer, sich in Sachen Maximilian zurückzuhalten. Er spielt mit dem Gedanken, Lena fest an sich zu binden.
- The Number of the Beast (Ἀριθμὸς τοῦ θηρίου, Arithmos tou Thēriou) is the numerical value of the name of the person symbolised by the beast from the sea, the first of two symbolic beasts described in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. In most manuscripts of the New Testament the number is 666, but the variant 616 is found in critical editions of the Greek text, such as the Novum Testamentum Graece. Most scholars believe that the number of the beast (v.18) equates to Emperor Nero, whose name in Greek when transliterated into Hebrew, retains the value of 666, whereas his Latin name transliterated into Hebrew, is 616; The "mark of the beast" (v.16,17) which the narrative does not identify, is used to distinguish the beast's followers. It has been speculated that the "mark" may be an Imperi
- Linka vychází i končí v Praze 666, kde je brána do pekla a využívá systému Metro do každé domácnosti. Cestujícím na lince 666 jsou promítány naučné filmy Peklo na Zemi, 16 bloků, Poslední správce, Evoluce (film o Českopedii), Wikipedie:Pátrání po Jimbovi a Daleko od Brna. Každý cestující, které během jednoho roku shlédne alespoň tři filmy, dostane vlastnoručně podepsanou fotografii některého z oblíbených Satanových herců, kterými jsou Igor Němec, Miosotis, Pavel Bém, Zoja Kosmoděmjanskaja, Miloš Zeman, Marie Kabrhelová, Jiří Paroubek, Václav Klaus, Václav Havel, Karel Gott a Eva Braunová a největší satanášův miláček Tomáš Julínek společně s Mirkem Topolánkem, celá vláda, senát a sněmovna. Šťastní držitelé mají pak na oplátku povinnost tyto podepsané podobenky líbat 666x za hodinu po dalšíc
- 666 is the number of the beast (often identified with Satan), which is mentioned in the Book of Revelation 13:18. The derivation of the number comes from the original Greek manuscripts of the Bible, where letters could be used as numbers (as with Roman numerals). Several early manuscripts actually write out the number "six-hundred and sixty-six" (ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ) at Revelation 13:18, which is how the number is written in the Septuagint (1 Ki. 10:14, Ezra 2:13). Modern eclectic editions of the Greek New Testament use this form of writing the number.
- Ο αριθμός έξι υποδηλώνει ατέλεια. Μερικές φορές, οι αριθμοί στην Αγία Γραφή χρησιμοποιούνται με συμβολική σημασία. Το εφτά αντιπροσωπεύει συνήθως την πληρότητα ή την τελειότητα. Το έξι, επειδή είναι ένα λιγότερο από το εφτά, υποδηλώνει κάτι που δεν είναι πλήρες ή είναι ατελές κατά την άποψη του Θεού και ενίοτε σχετίζεται με τους εχθρούς του (Βελζεβούλ, αντίχριστος, άθεος, Μ κ.λπ.). 1 Χρονικών, 20:6 • Δανιήλ, 3:1.