| - Pain is one of the most ultimate emotions. Yes, it lives within us everywhere we go, that emotion always followed us, it can deemed to be a great emotion but it is much lesser than Dying. Dying is the greatest of all negative emotions, it is the more serious one and it contains negative emotions much like Depression, Anger, and Guilt. Dying can not be avoid nor prevent. "Sir, we have a something situational is going on" The girl saluted "What is going on?" Phineas seriously asked "Okay, send me to the place of the situation" "Right away Sir" The Captain saluted "No, it can't be" Phineas gasped
| - Pain is one of the most ultimate emotions. Yes, it lives within us everywhere we go, that emotion always followed us, it can deemed to be a great emotion but it is much lesser than Dying. Dying is the greatest of all negative emotions, it is the more serious one and it contains negative emotions much like Depression, Anger, and Guilt. Dying can not be avoid nor prevent. 4 years has passed since the Danville Second Dimensional War has ended. Thus, that War left many guilt to The Resistance Members, only few members have survived that war, Phineas was included to the surviving members. The Superior Ones like Candace have died too. The City is now filled with the remains of the war, broken buildings, shattered windows and destroyed roads are everywhere and the screams of The Deceased Resistance Members are heard, presumbly they have turn into a ghost that has no peace in the afterlife. The War was one of the most dangerous history that has happen to Danville ever. In the Headquarters of the Resistance, the styles and design has been rebuild. All walls are design in a futuristic matter and all doors are activated with code locks but there is one room that hasn't been design it which is presume that it was left that way to left a memory of someone who died in there. In the Meeting Room, there is a tall boy with the height of "5'5", messy deep-orange hair,blue eyes that seemed to be filled with gloomy emotions and his attire is more like a Male Resistance Leader Uniform. His name was Phineas Flynn, the younger brother of the late Candace Flynn. He granted his sister's wish: To became the Next Resistance Leader. Suddenly, the room was opened and a girl with a slim figure entered. She has a short orange hair, eyes with heterochromia iridum,serious face that is similar to Candace's serious face and a uniform with a captain badge which presumes that She is the Captain of the sub-group. "Sir, we have a something situational is going on" The girl saluted Phineas stopped his writing and glares at The girl with stoic eyes. He is much serious than ever, he was formerly optimistic but it seems that Phineas has changed because of the war that ended his sister's lfie. "What is going on?" Phineas seriously asked "We found a girl at the Outskirts of Danville, she is keep inside a Cryonics Statis and she seemed to be an old member of the Resistance, because she had the badge of a Private First Class Officer" The girl replied "Okay, send me to the place of the situation" "Right away Sir" The Captain saluted Phineas stands up from his chair and follows the Captain. The Captain is revealed to be Scarlett Cole, she seems to be stoic and cold than ever and she never changed much like her dimensional counterpart who became optimistic and bright. As Phineas and Scarlett went outside the headquarters, they saw two people carrying the Cryonics Statis, Phineas demands them to drop it carefully, so that he can examine it. As the two people drop the Cryonics Statis, Phineas lets out a sigh and he carefully examines the Cryonics Statis. He saw the girl inside the Cryonics Statis, the girl was very beautiful, she had blonde hair, pale skin and lips that are pale red. "No, it can't be" Phineas gasped He can't believe what he saw, After 4 years of suffering and pain of the Death of the Superior Members, He saw a survivor who was cryogenically frozen for 4 years or somehow "dreaming" in a deep sleep. He opens the Crynoics Statis and it was revealed the girl was Bonnie Wilson, The Former Private First Class Officer.