"The Ballad of Casey McPhee" is a Sesame Street song sung by a Lavender Anything Muppet (Jerry Nelson) about a train engineer named Casey McPhee. Casey, who is portrayed by Cookie Monster, is entrusted with the job of delivering cookies, milk, ice cream and a tanker of fudge sauce to children's parties on the other side of the mountain. When an avalanche blocks the train tracks, Casey fights the urge to munch on his delectable cargo and instead eats the snow in his path, delivers the desserts and is declared a hero.
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| - "The Ballad of Casey McPhee" is a Sesame Street song sung by a Lavender Anything Muppet (Jerry Nelson) about a train engineer named Casey McPhee. Casey, who is portrayed by Cookie Monster, is entrusted with the job of delivering cookies, milk, ice cream and a tanker of fudge sauce to children's parties on the other side of the mountain. When an avalanche blocks the train tracks, Casey fights the urge to munch on his delectable cargo and instead eats the snow in his path, delivers the desserts and is declared a hero.
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| - "The Ballad of Casey McPhee" is a Sesame Street song sung by a Lavender Anything Muppet (Jerry Nelson) about a train engineer named Casey McPhee. Casey, who is portrayed by Cookie Monster, is entrusted with the job of delivering cookies, milk, ice cream and a tanker of fudge sauce to children's parties on the other side of the mountain. When an avalanche blocks the train tracks, Casey fights the urge to munch on his delectable cargo and instead eats the snow in his path, delivers the desserts and is declared a hero. Cookie Monster has also appeared as Casey McPhee in The Sesame Street ABC Book of Words and The Perils of Penelope and he also drove a train in a popular Beat the Time sketch where Cookie Monster must bring in three things that rhyme with "rain" to win a cookie. According to his relatives, then-producer Robert Cunniff was directly involved in The Ballad. They commented: “And the avalanche! I had forgotten that. Very complicated to do it in the live studio the way they shot this stuff in those days. (Real smoke and mirrors and Vaseline before digital!)"”