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- Laynia Petrovna was born in Minsk, which at the time was part of the Soviet Union, and is now the capital of Belarus. When she grew up, she became a special operative of the Soviet government.
- Darkstar was an infamous swoop gang originally based out of Mos Espa, Tatooine. The affiliates of the organization spent their time piloting, racing, mechanics on their vehicles (and others). Other activities they tended often was that of spending late nights in the local cantinas. Darkstar ran a mechanics shop on Balmorra Run as well as on Mos Espa, Tatooine. The organized swoop gang lived off of their ships to which were docked near their shops. Their way of life was such. The gang served as a family to those who had none and were taken into the organization, showing great compassion towards each other; they rivaled that of those who claimed to have 'back up'.
- rightDARKSTAR Linux è una distribuzione Linux rumena basata su Slackware Linux.
* Pagina principale : <a href="http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/">http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/</a>
* Origine : Romania
* Mailing List : <a href="http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/content/mailing-lists">http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/content/mailing-lists</a>
* Forum Utenti : <a href="http://forum.darkstarlinux.ro/">http://forum.darkstarlinux.ro/</a>
* Documentazione : --
* Scarica dai siti-mirror : <a href="http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/en/content/download">http://www.darkstarlinux.ro/en/content/download</a>
* Bug Tracker : http://bugs.darkstarlinux.ro/
- The Darkstar is a directives variant of Pulsar VS1, it can only be acquired by completing the VS assault rifle directive. Darkstar comes with a preinstalled Compensator and a Forward Grip. It possess unique heat mechanic that replaces ammunition, this means the user will never ever have to find an ammo pack to get ammo, and "reloading" is done by letting the gun's heat decay. The darkstar is better off finishing mid range targets than for CQC.
- Darkstar is a sucky guy
- Darkstar was a Russian superhuman.
- Darkstar boards are endorsed by Chet Thomas and a few others
- Darkstar si chiama Micheal e ha il potere di assorbire l'energia,molto,ma molto spesso dalle ragazze perchè lo trovano molto attraente.Se ne assorbisce più del necessario, la sua pelle diventa dorata. Categoria:Nemici Categoria:Personaggi Categoria:Personaggi maschili Categoria:Figli dei Risolutori
- Most decks are high quality, like the armored-knights, that have a no breakage guarantee.Their decks are a basic 7 layer, with six that are wood and one being carbon fiber or fiberglass (depends on the deck). Their complete decks often have great detail.
- Wrestler's Name Darkstar Height 6'5 Weight 265 lbs Entrance Music 'Dark Star' by Fish Hometown Unknown
- Darkstar is the name of Dropship 4409. People scheduled to leave on it included Marcus Caseon, Jacob Kruse, and Alexander Pesch. 2 other were security classified under UNIQCAPTROT. Possibly were to be Elliot Swan and Jack Campbell returning back to Earth.
- Darkstar was a mercenary rogue that has helped Mirith at the time of the war against Lancaster. Recognised by the way she would spin in the air before vanishing, she is Libe's role-model, who was fascinated by her motto: "no man is good, no man is bad. There is only the job." It was indeed with a Legion fighter that Darkstar was seen for the last time. No one knows how she left the castle to go to the cemetery that day, nor where she went with her new companion...
- The Darkstar is a Vaul anti-air corvette. Even with fighters as versatile as Halberds, the Vaul still needed a heavy aerospace support unit to complement the smaller crafts. Despite the firepower of their ground forces, they were still limited in mobility against enemy air units. In order to find the necessary qualities to being construction, simulations began with data on air units from all three Koprulu race. Terran Wraiths and Valkyries were bulky and primitive, but still capable of handling themselves against more advanced foes. As for the Protoss, their advanced ships tended to cripple entire squadrons once constructed, which was often longer than the other two races. The Vaul wanted a starship both powerful and relatively quick to build. Hybridizing the most advanced weapons technolo
- DARKSTAR! is a relatively obscure animated series made for, and very likely by, children. It first aired around 2002, although observant audience members have noted similarities to previous (unsuccessful shows). Although the series is wildly unpopular to the point of ridicule by intelligent viewers, it has achieved a cult status among a pre-pubersent niche market.
- DarkStar is a sci-fi story. In 2104, mankind manages to establish contact with an intelligent race of dog-like aliens, known as the C'Toi. In 2106, the C'Toi and mankind decided to meet in person. The C'Toi homeworld had long sinced died, and the C'Toi desired a new one. The human leader tried to make a deal with the C'Toi leader, Commanding General Phog, to show that humans and C'Toi can coexist on Earth and other human worlds.
- The Behemoth was first created by NEON725, who was later joined by Nebual. It consisted of six floors which were very similar to the Darkstar. It ran using hoverballs and NEON725's autopilot, and was notorious for doing the macarina, a special case of spazzing.