| - thumb Soul Eater (en español, "Devorador de almas") es un manga japonés escrito e ilustrado por Atsushi Okubo. El manga es publicado por Square Enix y fue lanzado por primera vez como tres one-shots separados, serializados en dos ediciones especiales de Gangan Powered y una emisión de Gangan Wing entre el 24 de junio y el 26 de noviembre de 2003.
- The English adaption of the series was licensed by FUNimation Entertainment. The episodes was released in half season box-sets in 2010.
- Soul Eaters are ancient spiritual entities that live in another dimension and feed on human souls.
- |-|KMS 1.2.256= File:Skill Soul Eater.png 소울 이터
* Class: Demon Slayer
* Type: Active
* Maximum Level: 20
- La wiki dedicata al manga di Atsushi Ohkubo.
- La wiki dedicata al manga di Atsushi Ohkubo.
- Soul Eater es un demonio menor que aparece en Devil May Cry 3 que es capaz de cambiar su constitución del estado sólido al gaseoso. Se encontró por primera vez en Misión 11: La venganza.
- Soul Eater ist eine Manga-Serie von Atsushi Okubo.
- Level: Gargoyle 3 Spell Resistance: yes Using your deadly claws, you wrench a portion of the enemy's life force from their very bodies and devour it to replenish your strength. As a standard action, Make a single attack on one creature within 5 feet. You gain an additional attack on another creature for every 6 levels you possess (Max 4 at 18th level). If the attack hits you deal normal damage and the creature must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 13+Strength modifier. If the creature fails it takes an additional 1d4 damage per level (max 10d4) and it also takes 1 negative level. The Gargoyle heals 1d6 hit points for every negative level it inflicts with this technique. Creatures that succeed their saving throw take half damage and no negative level.
- The Rune of Life and Death, better known as the Soul Eater, is one of the 27 True Runes and represents life and death.
- Das Soul Eater Wiki ist eine Datenbank rund um den Manga vom Mangaka Atsushi Okubo.
- File:Risen3 logo.png Nature: Climate: Game(s): The soul eaters are highly intelligent, sentient Shadows. They are capable of speech in certain circumstances, employing battle tactics as well as mission strategies. If a Shadow Lord is the equivalent of a general in the armies of Nekroloth, a soul eater would then be a colonel or lieutenant colonel. SPOILERS FOLLOW
- Soul Eater is a 2011 fantasy film directed by David Lynch. The film was shot on location in Nevada as well as the Universal Studios and Sony Pictures Studios backlots and stars Emma Watson as DWMA meister Maka Albarn.
- Soul Eater (Japanese: ソウルイーター) is a recurring weapon in the Phantasy Star franchise.
- Soul Eater ist ein Manga, der vom Mangaka Atsushi Okubo gezeichnet wurde. Der Manga wurde mit insgesamt 113 Kapiteln in 25 Bänden abgeschlossen. Es gibt ebenfalls einen Anime der rund 51 Folgen beinhaltet. Es existiert ebenfalls ein Spin-Off Manga das sich Soul Eater NOT! nennt.
- Le Wiki Soul Eater est une encyclopédie participative sur l'univers de Soul Eater et de son spin-off Soul Eater NOT!
- Centaur House is the seventh episode of Bluesilver Series 2. It sees the return of former companion Martha Jones.
- Soul Eater 「ソウルイーター Sōru Ītā?, Devorador de almas」 es un manga japonés escrito e ilustrado por Atsushi Ohkubo. El manga es publicado por Square Enix y fue lanzado por primera vez como tres one-shots separados, serializados en dos ediciones especiales de Gangan Powered y una emisión de Gangan Wing entre el 24 de junio y el 26 de noviembre de 2003. El manga comenzó su publicación regular en la revista de manga de Square Enix Monthly Shōnen Gangan el 12 de mayo de 2004.
- Written by Based on Starring Music by Cinematography Editing by Production company Distributed by Release date Running time Country Language Rating Budget Box office Read the transcript • Trailer transcripts • Credits • Home media • Production • Animation errors Soul Eater is a upcoming 2017 Japanese-American computer-animated film produced by Geo Animation Studios and based on the Japanese manga of the same name. Atsushi Ōkubo, who written and illustrated Soul Eater, will be as a director. The title for the film was confirmed by Paramount Pictures on November 15, 2012, with a scheduled release date of December 22, 2017.
- The Soul Eater is the most damaging weapon Dart can use and the first of the strongest weapons the player can obtain, but drains 10% of his health at the start of every turn (equal to that of his guard). The Soul Eater is dropped by the Polter Armor and the Loner Knight.
- Soul Eater - Bohové Smrti (ソウルイーター Souru Ítá) je anime seriál.
- Before its death, the locals of Squamash held the creature captive and used it to consume their own sicknesses. Fox Mulder learned of the creature's existence and traveled to see it in the spring of 2000 shortly before his abduction. (TXF: "The Gift") Mulder wished for the creature to consume his incurable brain disease that he had acquired, following exposure to an alien artifact. (TXF: "Biogenesis") The soul eater was played by Jordan Marder.
- Meister Maka Albarn and her partner Soul Eater are students at Death Weapon Meister Academy—"DWMA" for short—located in Death City in Nevada, United States. The school has many other students, including Black Star with his partner Tsubaki, and Death the Pimp with his partners Liz and Patty. The school is run by Shinigami, Death himself, as a training facility for weapons and the human wielders of those weapons, the heterosexuals. Maka's goal, along with the other heteros, is to have their weapons defeat and absorb the souls of 99 gay humans and one bitch, which will dramatically increase the power of the given weapon and turn them into death scythes, weapons capable of being used by shinigami. In the universe of Soul Eater, bitches are powerful beings and the natural enemies of DWMA, as al
- thumb|280px|Logo de la Serie. Soul Eater (En español, Devorador de almas) es un manga japonés escrito e ilustrado por Atsushi Okubo. El manga es publicado por Square Enix y fue lanzado por primera vez como tres one-shots separados, serializados en dos ediciones especiales de Gangan Powered y una emisión de Gangan Wing entre el 24 de junio y el 26 de noviembre de 2003. El manga comenzó su publicación regular en la revista de manga de Square Enix Monthly Shōnen Gan el 12 de mayo de 2004. El primer volumen compilatorio fue puesto en circulación por Square Enix bajo la publicación Gangan Comics el 22 de junio de 2004 en Japón,España, Maldivas y Paraguay y hasta octubre de 2008 han sido publicados trece volúmenes. El manga ha sido licenciado para su distribución en Norteamérica por Yen Press. L
- Soul Eater is a shonen manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ookubo. Set at the Death Weapon Meister Academy (or DWMA), a school run by the Shinigami himself with the purpose of training young warriors called Technicians and their shapeshifting human weapons to hunt and kill corrupt humans and witches. Technicians can also upgrade their weapons by collecting and absorbing the souls of 99 corrupt humans and one witch, earning them the title of Death Scythes. There's also a side story called Soul Eater NOT! that focuses on other characters attending DWMA.
- Soul Eater (Japanese: ソウルイーター Hepburn: Sōru Ītā?) is a manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Ōkubo. Set at the "Death Weapon Meister Academy", the series revolves around three teams, each consisting of a weapon meister and (at least one) weapon that can transform into a humanoid. Trying to make the latter a "death scythe" and thus fit for use by the academy's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of death, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and one witch, in that order; otherwise, they will have to start all over again.