- Smite is a High-level class ability available to fighters, paladins, rangers, and monks. This ability may only be selected once. Prerequisite: Power Attack, Critical Strike.
- Smite is an offensive skill mainly used by clerics.
- Smite is a Tier 1 Celestial power in the Blessed tree.
- Smite is a unique amulet from the Legacy DLC for Dragon Age II.
- Attack skill delivers additional damage.
- To smite something is to strike it with powerful force, whether physically (as with a bolt of lightning weapon) or metaphorically (as with love). Forms of the word are smiting, smote, and smitten.
- Smite (stylized as SMITE) is a third person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios for Microsoft Windows. In Smite, players take on the visage of a mythological god and take part in arena combat, using powers and team tactics against other player-controlled gods and non-player controlled minions.
- The user can strike their targets with a far superior force/blow, usually resulting in a One Hit Kill against almost anything. Mostly used by gods, this ability may have a divine aspect imbued into it, dealing even more damage to unholy or evil enemies. The amount of power capability used in this ability is absolutely unlimited, merely preparing its use can induce fear in opponents.
- Smite is a Paladin Skill in Diablo II.
- Smite is a priest ability learned at level one.
- Full: This attack[sic] deals 10...46 Holy damage[sic]. If attacking, your target takes an additional 10...30 Holy damage. Concise: Deals 10...46 holy damage. Deals 10...30 more holy damage if target is attacking. __TOC__
- "Smite" is the fifth episode of the second season of Sons of Anarchy.
- thumb|250px Smite es un videojuego de acción MOBA en tercera persona, creado y publicado por Hi-Rez Studios para Microsoft Windows, Xbox One y PlayStation 4.
- Smite returns as a Commando auto-ability without changed effects. It is available to Noel at Role Level 22, and Serah at Role Level 26. Lightning has initial access to Smite in the Paladin role available to her in Requiem of the Goddess downloadable content scenario.
- This prayer is popular among player killers due to the fact that it can be used to prevent their opponent from using the Protect Items prayer. Prayers are deactivated the moment prayer points reach 0.
- Smite (ぶちかまし, Buchikamashi lit. Tackle in the Japanese version) is a skill from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It allows its user to push an adjacent target two tiles away from him/her.
- This SMITE Website is dedicated to the Findings of the SMITE company owned by Dezlo Needo
- smite (verb) 1.
* to hit or strike harshly, as if to deal a heavy blow 2.
* to bring down the Hand of God 3.
* to nail 4.
* to hammer 5.
* to righteously punish the enemies of God, America, Freedom, The Flag, or Stephen Colbert See also: smotion
- Smite is a unit-targeted summoner spell, available at (account) level 10, it deals to a monster or enemy minion, and heals for 70 against large monsters. It is available on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. It is required to buy [[File:|20px|border|alt=|Hunter's Machete|link=Hunter's Machete]] Hunter's Machete and [[File:|20px|border|alt=|Hunter's Talisman|link=Hunter's Talisman]] Hunter's Talisman. Smite starts with one charge and gains an additional charge every 90 seconds starting from 1:40, with a maximum of 2 charges.
- Smite oli isoimman rukous-tason prayer vielä 2007 kesäkuuhun asti, jolloin tuli Chivalry ja Piety. Kun käytät tätä taistelun aikana, 25% tuottamastasi damagesta vähenee vastustajan Prayeristä. Näet tätä yleensäänkin castle warsissa. 1.
- {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A |rowspan=4|SmiteNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} |} |}
- Character's with this feature can channel divine power to strike againist a specific opponent type. He adds his charisma modifier (if positive) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per class level. If the character accidentally smites a creature that does not match the specific smite target-type, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day.
- SMITE is a is a 3D, third-person multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios. What differs SMITE from other MOBAs such as League of Legends, though, is it's perspective and gameplay style. While most MOBAs have an isometric, top-down view, Smite is a third-person game, taking more inspiration from Hack n' Slash Action than Real-Time Strategy. This generates a faster and far more intense play-style that emphasizes player skill, fast thinking and aiming, rather than pure cold strategy. Another differentiation is that while other MOBAs such as League and DOTA feature a cast of fictional characters from it's own fantasy setting, SMITE's champions are all deities and creatures from various world religions and mythologies.