| - Value: 4 Dots Material: Orichalcum and Blue Jade Commitment Cost: 0 Hearthstone Slots: 0 Forged of an alloy of orichalcum and white jade, the Mind of Air is an implant taking the form of a headband -- a bejeweled band of silver and diamonds that, when attuned, fades into the skin, becoming a silvery tattoo across the forehead. Once attuned, this artifact cannot be separated from the user against his will short of epic, soul-cleaving sorcerery. The user may voluntarily rid himself of the item by entering a week-long meditation where the bond between the artifact and his soul is slowly weakened, ending with the artifact unattuning itself and simply falling off his body.
| - Value: 4 Dots Material: Orichalcum and Blue Jade Commitment Cost: 0 Hearthstone Slots: 0 Forged of an alloy of orichalcum and white jade, the Mind of Air is an implant taking the form of a headband -- a bejeweled band of silver and diamonds that, when attuned, fades into the skin, becoming a silvery tattoo across the forehead. Once attuned, this artifact cannot be separated from the user against his will short of epic, soul-cleaving sorcerery. The user may voluntarily rid himself of the item by entering a week-long meditation where the bond between the artifact and his soul is slowly weakened, ending with the artifact unattuning itself and simply falling off his body. Made from the soul of an air-type terrestrial, lightning from the Elemental Pole of Air trapped in a jar, and a unique alloy of blue jade and orichalcum created in the Forge of Night, the Mind of Air contains the dreaming soul of one of Gaia's exalted, seeking a body through which to bring about the Creation of it's dreams. Anyone who attunes to it has their peripheral pool increase by 15 motes as the Terrestrial souls Essence mixes with their own. They also gain +1 Intelligence, Perception and Dexterity as the air exalts soul seeks to grand its new body the power to alter the world around it. But, such a mix is never without it's influences. Those attuned to the artifact become dreamers -- prone to idealism, lofy and unattainable goals, or simply drifting off in conversation to daydream. Furthermore, the soul does not deal with the frustration of these dreams well, inflicting a point of limit on the artifacts user every time his dreams are dashed before him. This limit cannot actually limitbreak the user, but can take him to 9/10. Mortals who (somehow) use this artifact gain an airy anima banner as per a Terrestrial exalt, while other exalted who use it just gain a blue-tinted banner. Balance Notes: The base effect of this artifact is two three-dot artifacts, making it a weak four-dot, but the three-dot side effect and the requirement of rare reagents bring it down to three-dots overall. The fact that it can't be easily taken from the user bumps it right back up to 4-dots. The requirement of rare, dangerous reagents remove the commitment cost, as based off the requirements for an Essence Storage Gem.