| - Kong and his friend (or brother) Jie are two pandaren children that can be found running through Mandori Village[[:File:|[, ]]] on the Wandering Isle.
- Kong was a Mars Kingdom Parliament Army soldier who was a heavy weapons specialist. He was part of Alpha Team during Operation Hagel, a joint military operation to recover Olympus Spaceport from the Neo-Third Reich Division. During the operation he was killed by Frau X.
- Kong is the World Government Commander-in-Chief. He was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines at the time of the Battle in Edd War twenty-seven years ago and at the time of Gol D. Roger's execution twenty-four years ago.
- Kong is one of the many characters encountered by Sora in Kingdom Hearts II ½. He is one of the bosses on Skull Island.
- Kongs are apes or monkeys which display human-like abilities such as speaking and wearing clothes. They all live on Donkey Kong Island, and are forced to put up with constant threats from the Kremlings.
- p Informations Première apparition Dernière apparition Espèce(s) reliée(s) Sous-espèce(s) Membre(s) notable(s) C'est un portail menant à plusieurs Kongs.
* Bébé Donkey Kong
* Bébé Kong
* Bluster Kong
* Roi Cactus
* Donkey Kong
* Cranky Kong
* Donkey Kong Jr
* Donkey Kong Jr Rose
* Diddy Kong
* Dixie Kong
* Funky Kong
* Lanky Kong
* Tiny Kong
* Candy Kong
* Chunky Kong
* Swanky Kong
* Karaté Kong
* Kong Ninja
* Kiddy Kong
* Wrinky Kong
* Super Kong
* Sumo Kong
- A Kong is an ape or monkey species capable of speech and creating houses. The Kongs willingly wear clothes and some even have hairstyles. They are often plagued by the crocodilian Kremlings. They all live on Donkey Kong Island, although Kongs that are not affiliated with the Kong Family live in other lands such as The Fruit Kingdoms, Sun Sun Island or the Mushroom Kingdom. Kongs have been known to surf, drive, manage museums and many more features of humans.
- thumbDie Kongs sind eine Spezies von Affen, die sowohl aus Gorillas als auch aus Schimpansen und Orang-Utans besteht. Die Kongs können sprechen, tragen Kleidung und einige haben auch eine Frisur. Sie haben viele Fähigkeiten von Menschen und leben meistens auf Donkey Kong-Insel. Viele Kongs gehören der Familie Kong an. [[Datei:DK64 Artwork Familie Kong.jpeg|thumb|250px|Die in Donkey Kong 64 spielbaren Kongs]] Donkey Kong war der erste Kong in Donkey Kong (Arcade), der nächste war Donkey Kong Jr.. Die meisten Kongs debütierten in den SNES-Spielen der Donkey Kong Country-Serie.
- A Kong is a stinky, hairy person. They were invented by various people of Nintendo such as Bruce Springsteen and Mr. Monopoly, based on Johnny Cash's Donkey Kong, even though he is a Kong. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by making it a larger piece of rubbish .
- Kong is a category of furniture.
- Fue el Almirante de la Flota de la Marine anterior a Sengoku hace 27 años, en el momento de la batalla de la Batalla de Edd War entre Gol D. Roger y Shiki, en la ejecución de Roger.
- Kong es un ingeniero de la fuerza aérea del Reino Tierra encargado de transporte de prisioneros. Con la ayuda de Korra y Asami, él y el resto de la tripulación lograron escapar del Desierto de Si Wong después de que su dirigible se estrellara en el Desierto de Si Wongs .
- Als das Luftschiff auf dem Weg nach Ba Sing Se in der Wüste notlanden musste, half er Asami und Korra das Luftschiff wieder Einsatzfähig zu machen. Dieser Artikel ist ein Stub. Du kannst My English Wiki helfen, indem du ihn erweiterst. Kategorie:Stub
- Kong is a suspended looping coaster at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom that opened in 1998. It was relocated from the now defunct Opryland theme park where it operated as "The Hangman". In 2007, the ride's entrance was moved to Oasis Plaza (near Medusa). Riders now walk under the ride to enter.
- en:Kong Kong adalah Kepala Staff Pemerintah Dunia. Dia adalah Laksamana Armada Marinir Angkatan Laut pada saat Pertempuran dalam Perang Dua Puluh Tujuh tahun yang lalu dan pada saat eksekusi Gol D. Roger dua puluh empat tahun yang lalu.
- Kong is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Tribal Despotism.
- They were most notable for being the heroic race in Donkey Kong series for always face the Kremling Krew, defeat Wizpig a race, destroying the Tiki Tak Tribe and expelling the Snowmads. Not all Kongs are heroes, though; some, such as Mankys, Minkeys, Ninjapes and the Ba-Boom, seem to be rebels and minions. Ghastly King was first Kong main antagonist of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.
- Kong is one of the characters from the The Chipmunks Go to the Movies episode Kong! Kong is a spinoff of the gorilla King Kong. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Oberbefehlshaber über die Agenten der Weltregierung, der Cipher Pol, Enies Lobby, das Marine-Hauptquartier und die Ōka Shichibukai hat.
- Jedna z ośmiu, publicznych stacji trideo, dostępnych w Seattle. KONG należy do sieci NBS.
- Ollessaan punkkaritukkainen nuorukainen, hän vietti paljon aikaa pelaten käsikonsolillaan Donkey Kongia. Hävitessään pelin, väänteli Kong mielellään naamansa Donkey Kongin kaltaiseen virneeseen. Hän oli pelistä sen verran obsessoitunut, ettei välittänyt, vaikka Sengoku kiusasikin aivan hänen lähettyvillä Monkey D. Garpia.
- Ein Kong ist im Mario-Universum ein sehr affenähnliches Wesen, welches die Fähigkeit besitzt zu sprechen. Außerdem tragen sämtliche Kongs Anziehsachen und einige haben sogar einen Haarschnitt. Das erste Exemplar dieser Gattung war Donkey Kong, als er im gleichnamigen Spiel Marios ehemalige Freunthumb|von links: Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, Dixie Kong, Funky Kong, Cranky Kong, Wrinkly Kong, Swanky Kongdin Pauline entführte. Es folgte Donkey Kong Jr. und mit der Donkey Kong Country-Serie erschienen immer mehr Charaktere, wie Candy, Funky und Wrinkly, dieser Spezies.
- Kong è il comandante delle forze militari del Governo Mondiale. Ai tempi di Gol D. Roger ricopriva il ruolo di grand'ammiraglio della Marina.
- Many advertisements for Kong can be found on the Roscoe Street Station's walls in 2001. Some are also put in Lupino's Hotel. They feature a painted half man-half ape, implying that drinking Kong turns one into an ape.
- Though intimidating in appearance, Kong is actually very sedate and friendly. His large, circular office is a bit opulent: A semi-spherical chair at his own large desk, as well as a comfortable chair and couch for his guests. However, most noticeably, the entirety of the walls consist of a huge aquarium for gigantic, but apparently tame sea monsters. Recently, Kong was seen meeting with Zev and Namah. He discussed with Zev the rising threat of a space pirate known as "Blackbeard", and the two seem to be old aquaintances.
- Kong is a Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom that opened in 1998. The ride was relocated from the now-defunct Opryland theme park where it operated as "Hangman".
- Kong est le Commandant des Forces Armées du Gouvernement Mondial et l'ancien Amiral en Chef de la Marine pendant la période de Gol D. Roger.
- At Fort Bosco, Kong rolled Avatar Korra, bound to a metal plate while in a straitjacket and muzzled to refrain from bending out of her mouth, onto the airship that was taking them toward Ba Sing Se, before retreating into the ship's engine room.
- At the center of Skull Island, living in a cavernous lair suspended high above the jungle, and lord of all he surveyed, was Kong. One of the last of his kind, Kong was a huge and powerful great ape, far larger than any hitherto known species. He was the king of his world, a nightmarish force to the Skull Islander humans, and an anomaly to science. Kong became the icon for the wonder and power of nature in his time.