| - This is part of the Dragon Tamer Costume series, which may be obtained by using the appropriate password.
- Dragon Claws is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Extremely precious claws, reworked from the talons of a dragon and whittled down to human size. __NOEDITSECTION__
- They are also temporarily obtainable from objects opened with bloodier keys during a game of Last Man Standing.
- Dragon Claws, referred to as Claws or D Claws, are a very strong Melee weapon. Dragon Claws are well known for their Special Attack "slice and dice", which can cause a large amount of damage very quickly. The Special Attack uses 50% of the Special Attack bar, and does 4 hits in one special. Note: Dragon Claws require the Weapon and the Shield Slot to wield, leaving you with a lower Defence bonus. It is recommended that you wait until your opponent is at low health, then use the Dragon Claws special attack.
- Dragon Claws are special miscellaneous items found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that are primarily used to open ancient Nordic puzzle doors.
- Attack: 78 Rarity: 1/5 Cost: 14,500G This item can be bought at Wormwood Creek.
- Extremely Precious claws, reworked from the talons of a dragon and whittled down to human size. __NOEDITSECTION__
- This weapon is 2 handed, which means player cannot use a shield with this weapon. They can be obtained from Tormented Demons, opening a Mystery Box, or just purchasing it from King Roald for 1,499 Donator Points.
- Dragon Claws är ett par klor gjorda av Dragon metal täckt av sperma. De gavs ut den 26:e November 2008, tillsammans med While Guthix Sleeps quuesten. De är två-handade vapen, och spelaren behöver en Attack level av 69 för att kunna ha på sig de. Klorna är väldigt bra då det kommer till att riva upp andra spelares anus. Man kan bara få de som drop av Tormented demons. Tormented demons can bara dödas under och efter While Guthix Sleeps och är trodda att ha en chans att droppa Dragon claws 1/200 till 1/300. Men att klara questen är inte nödvändigt att ha på sig de. Slice and Dice
- Dragon claws, in het kort D claws (in het Nederlands Draken klauwen), is een wapen dat uitkwam tegelijk met de While Guthix Sleeps quest, op 26 November 2008. Dragon claws worden gedropt door de Tormented Demon in de Ancient Guthix Temple, waarvoor je de quest voltooid moet hebben. Spelers hoeven de Quest niet te voltooien, of te beginnen, om de claws aan te trekken of de Special attack te gebruiken. 1.
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