| - {Neutral} You looking for the boss? That'd be Mags.
- {A bit of a joke. You think this place you and your friends are living in is hideous. / Neutral} Brought this place back to its former... is "glory" the word?"
- {Neutral} Would kill for an actual lab... though it hasn't helped yet.
- {Neutral} Just give them a try, first, Overboss. I think you'll enjoy the results.
- {Amused} Gulp down a couple lung fulls and anyone you speak to will be far more apt to give you what you want.
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet here, soothing. / Neutral} Now Eight, I want you to hit yourself.
- {Neutral} should have no problem getting at least one settlement under your control before you have to brew up your own.
- {Amused} And just... remember us when you're crushing those poor settlers under foot, huh?
- {Threatening someone in the heat of combat. The bad idea here is your opponent attacking you, one of the most dangerous women alive. / Stern} This was a bad, bad idea.
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet, soothing. / Neutral} Hey yourself. Eight, how do you feel right now?
- {Neutral} ... so it's not going to work on people in any of the big towns like Bunker Hill or Diamond City nor on caravaners.
- {A bit of a joke. You think this place you and your friends are living in is hideous. / Neutral} Our Overboss returns triumphant.
- {Neutral} Here. Ingredients for that one have been tricky to find, but between that and the grenade...
- {You've been killed. More pleading as you go. / Neutral} No, no, no...
- {Neutral} Shank said you might need some tools to... ease relations with the people of the Commonwealth.
- {Neutral} I've put together a couple of toys that should make getting what you want out of those rubes easier.
- {Neutral} Walking around this place at night... even without the bodies it's hard to believe they ever let children in here.
- {You're being overly polite. This person just threatened you and you're picturing murdering them in your head. / Amused} Would never dream of it, Overboss. I'm only hoping you remember which gang's help you're receiving.
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. / Neutral} Excellent. Now, Eight, I'm going to untie your arm.
- {Irritated} Oh. Our least favorite Overboss. Come back when you've claimed us some territory.
- {Amused} Toss one these grenades at the feet of your target and convincing the wary settler suddenly becomes a much simpler affair.
- {Neutral} So, first up, something to manipulate a target. It's a homemade distillation brewed to mimic human flight pheromones.
- {Adding a caveat you're not proud of. / Neutral} Now, to function effectively, I had to make the formula... precise...
- {This is a threat. Implying you're ready to use this poison on the person you're talking to. / Stern} You familiar with thallium, boss? Odorless, tasteless, colorless... and a very painful way to go.
- {Neutral} Hmm. I wonder how much of Gage's little plan to replace Colter wasn't just to make sure the bosses didn't take off his head too?
- {Amused} That's all I ask.
- {Amused} Well, this should give you one.
- {Entering combat. / Stern} Well, aren't you brave?
- {Irritated} Take this.
- {Neutral} Here.
- {Neutral} Overboss. A pleasure.
- {Neutral} Well, you've come to the right place.
- {Neutral} Wonderful.
- {Question} Hmm?
- {Question} What is it?
- {Question} Yes?
- {You just took damage in combat. / InPain} Ergh!
- {Neutral} So much money spent on this place. Just to hock some soda. Sad, don't you think?
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet here, soothing. / Neutral} Again, please. Harder this time.
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet here, soothing. / Neutral} Please.
- {Threatening someone in the heat of combat. / Stern} Didn't think this through, did you?
- {Addressing a person you're about to experiment on. / Neutral} Okay, we're just going to call you Eight. Eight, would you please stop talking?
- {Neutral} But for your purposes, hitting settlements out in the Commonwealth, it ought to give you a serious edge.
- {Threatening someone in the heat of combat. / Stern} Make a cadaver out of you.
- {You just took damage in combat. / InPain} Ah! Ah. Ah.
- {Entering combat. / Stern} Let's see what you're really made of.
- {Neutral} There are some sick minds running around Nuka-World. All the more important you back us.
- {Addressing a person you're about to experiment on. At the end of this line, the sound of hissing gas can be heard. / Neutral} As you can see, Eight is currently not receptive to my suggestions. Now, deploying the formula.
- {This is a bit of a burn. This person is asking you for a drug to make them more charming. / Neutral} I've got something... but I think you're going to need two doses.
- {Neutral} Wasn't sure we could count on you. Good to know I was wrong.
- {Talking into a tape recorder while you're working on an experiment. / Neutral} So, this will be test eight of the persuasion formula. Our subject here... what'd you say your name was again?
- {Neutral} Here. Only had enough to make the one locally, but you can take the recipe as well, should you find yourself wanting more.
- {Neutral} And here I thought this place was gaudy with the lights off. Still, not too shabby, boss.
- {You were just released from being choked, so your voice is a bit horse and you should cough occasionally throughout. / InPain} Thank you, William. I-I'm going to need a minute, before you bring in number nine.
- {A bit of a smirk. / Neutral} Underling to Overboss, Mags and William don't take well to being let down. So, make sure you get them something nice.
- {Neutral} Nothing beyond that. I've been trying to get the formulas working better for more varied environments, but for now, the current brew should serve.
- {Entering combat. / Stern} Now don't make it too easy.
- {Neutral} Always thought the Parlor was a bit garish... but Mags and William have taken a shine to it and two trump one, I guess.
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet initially, but you're interrupted as the person starts choking you. / Neutral} You're welcome. Eight, I'm going to untie you. Now, if you wouldn't mind-- Eight! What're you--
- {Amused} Only thing we ask in return is that you remember the Operators when you're handing out new territory on the other side of the mountains.
- {Amused} Plus, I've winnowed down the addiction risk to near zero, so no need to fear repeat usage.
- {Neutral} Like how things are going, boss. We could get used to this kind of treatment.
- {Stern} If you're not going to support us, fine. Just don't hand this place over to the Pack. Turn it into one big litter box.
- {A bit irritated. This person got themselves hooked on some nasty stuff. You're going to help them off it. / Irritated} What is this? Amateur hour?
- {Addressing a person you're experimenting on. You're trying to be sweet here, soothing. / Neutral} That's perfect. Thank you, Eight. You can stop now.
- {Neutral} Try before you judge, Overboss. I've had some... pleasing results in the past.
- {You just took damage in combat. / InPain} Rgh! Christ!
- {Impressed} Really making a place for yourself among Operators, aren't you?
- {You're implying the player should be giving your gang more territory. / Neutral} Colter's pushing up daisies. It's a lovely gift, but I think there are others our gang would like more. New territory, maybe?
- {Neutral} So, the other trick up our sleeve is a little more broad spectrum than the grenades.
- {Neutral} Hmm. Yeah. Got something that should help.